The next time it's shown it will be announced as multi-platform for Switch, PS4, and PC.
The next time it's shown it will be announced as multi-platform for Switch, PS4, and PC
>The next time it's shown
Atlus chose the White Route, user. We lost it to the void.
MAY 21ST 2021
And that’s a bad thing? I doubt Switch users care about exclusivity outside of Nintendo’s most popular series anyway
It's mobile exclusive and a sequel to Dx2. Screencap this.
Holy fuck, is that still going?
I hope so
great. as a switchchad exclusives are bullshit, i wouldn't mind if every switch exclusive was multiplat.
but i still want persona 5 royal on pc or switch :(
to keep a mobile game alive you need like a bunch of whales that spend money equal to your monthly salary
It would be nice if they just started making all their games multi-plat instead of just teasing it in surveys.
>not making him black frost
Nah. Probably half a year or a year later, though.
Well, they did port the Persona engine version of Catherine to the Switch, so the rest of games that use it may not be far behind. SMT V is also being developed in UE4, which makes it easy to port over.
>I doubt Switch users care about exclusivity outside of Nintendo’s most popular series anyway
We don't even care about that. Aside from the few diehard furries, we'd be perfectly fine if Zelda wound up on PS4 or PC. Hell, Cemu BOTW is the way to play it. Mario, I mean, would you guys even want Mario?
cringe, are you one of his minions?
Let it go user
Get your dick split
The only announcement that will likely be made for this game will be its cancellation.
Why would it be on PS4 when PS5 is coming out soonish?
There's probably going to be a big overlap between PS4 and PS5.
SMT V isn't coming out in the next 3-4 years, don't kid yourself.
I would wager that it'll have a release by the end of 2020 or the first half of 2021.
I always thought console players are damn mad and crazy when it comes to their exclusives. The only ones calm are xbox players they usually don't care.
I personally don't give a shit. Have them all, they'll be emulated later anyhow.
keep begging, snoycuck
>Literally no new information.
Do we need any? You pick between chaos, neutral and law in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. It's the same game every time.
I have both a PS4 and a Switch and don't care whether games are multiplat or not. I can play them no matter what platform they come out for and it's not like the game being available on platform X stop it from being available on platform Y.
Me too :(
Atlus would never bring a full on game to pc unless it is at least five years after release and it's a worse version.
Maybe ps4 (even xbox with the sega deal) is way more likely.
I care about exclusives in the sense that it gives each console an identity.
When we bought our Segas and Super Nintendos it said a lot about someones personality and each console had their distinct flavour of games due to their exclusives.
A world where everything is multiplat, which many with small brains wish for, is just boring and sterile
SMT V is a weird case though because it's as Nintendo as it is Sony due to the sheer amount of games