Anyone else /fanaticmaterialist/ here?
Anyone else /fanaticmaterialist/ here?
The technocrat announcer is too good not to
That's because Paradox is telling us that the best path to the future is Technocracy.
xenophobe here, exterminatus upon the galaxy soon
Are the battles still "my blob shoots your blob"?
Yes, but forced multiple blobs now
purifier only, there's no other way to expand and not have to house other races on your nice planets
A Technocracy has its drawbacks, since science has many drawbacks when you try to hammer it some place it's not comfortable in like politics. For one, since research is considered the priority of the state, it is invariably a meritocracy where only the smartest thrive, and the dumb (ie anyone that isn't a 150+ IQ hyper autist) become second-class citizens.
For me, its fanatic spiritualist egalitarian.
All are welcome under our holy order.
Except robots.
Fuck robots.
Fanatic materialist and militaristic is the only right choice