Is Church of Satan based?
Is Church of Satan based?
>church of satan is cringe normals with bad taste
Tbh I agree
Mainline games are usually slogs to actually play, and most of the content is boring
Devil Survivors were much better games than any mainline
>Persona 5 in persona series
Gross and wrong.
>Devil Survivor otherwise
I may be Catholic but this is objectively correct.
They are tryhard poseurs, would expect nothing less from them.
Fuck off Talmud kike
>devil survivor
>church of satan is reddit
P5 is overrated normalfag trash
seething p4fags
>larping satanists have dogshit taste
Persona 3 is the better choice
church of reddit
I mean nocturne is one of the best games out there so isn't that obvious? I think its visual design surpasses literally anything else in video games, including p5
>Mainline is a slog
>Prefers king of slog, persona
Persona 5 is casual garbage and only good thing about it is waifus,
literally nothing he said indicated he liked persona
are you retarded
>overrated normalfag trash
But that's not P4 or P3.
Average american reading comprehension
There is nothing good about enabling coomers.
>casual CoS babies got filtered by SMT
More like the church of Jews.
how so?
>asked about the mainline SMT games
>brings ups P5 and Devil Survivor
fucking casuals
Synagogue of Satan*
smt is dead. i'm not going to buy a overpriced switch just for one game.
Yes, you will.
>church of satan is still pedestrian
>no strange journey nod
>no nocturne nod
k fren
Literally atheist LARPing. Convert to Judaism if you really want to serve the devil.
Better than Synagogue of Jewsus
Catholics are worse than satanists
more like church of reddit
>Asks which SMT game is the best
>Gets two answers, neither one is a real SMT game
>Church of Satan saying anything but Nocturne
Not my church
when they drop the price from 400 to 180-200 maybe. but even than it's still to much bc most games are just ports or nindendo games i don't care about. i hope yuzu is usable when the new smt comes out.
Next you'll say bravely default isn't a real final fantasy game.
Fucking idiot.
church of shit taste
bravely default isn't a real final fantasy game.
they don't want you discovering mastemah and looking that nerd up, you think satan is rad?
try his edgier but some how more proper younger brother
the real mover and shaker, strangled moses until he was chained up and led the angels in rebellion after the fall of devil boy
lucifer is why mastemah exists, but mastemah is why ALL OF THE DEMONS exist
>smt uses enoch and jubilees, redacted books
>mastemah has command of the primordials that were here before, and the lost, his big bro falls into his domain, so he gives his brother who hates him, an army
its so sweet and sad it hurts
>both games feature big m in prominence
You'd think they'd play the bit and just choose the most blasphemous game. Nocturne, IVA, or especially 2 where you team up with Satan against YHVH in the Law ending.
Well, it isn't
Cope, Vladimir.
They don't even worship the devil, they're literally just edgy anti-Christian atheists.