Where were you when dark souls became a normie series more popular than final fantasy?
Dark souls
normie series = From gets more money = makes more and better games
>and look forward to Elden Ring, the action RPG that's currently in development
>DS1 at center
If you let other people get in the way of you enjoying a single-player game, then you're a sad little person.
Around Dark Souls II prepare to die edition? Sorry did you actually think you were fucking special? Dark Souls is HYPER normal. Who would meme otherwise?
They haven't started casualizing their games yet so I can't complain.
I don't care as long as they keep the quality.
>money results in higher quality
Not how it works.
Here's how I play games:
>Get game
>Play it
>Enjoy it
>Stay the fuck away from any fan community whatsoever
Fanbases are cancerous shit