Going with the "most powerful" shtick for their marketing

>Going with the "most powerful" shtick for their marketing
Smells like a Dreamcast situation all over again.

Attached: JWGeikXnHbN5gkjFmsaQn7-320-80.jpg (320x180, 3.99K)

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So it'll have an awesome library like the Dreamcast? Sweet.

Dreamcast had a tiny library of actually good games.

The Dreamcast's library was small but almost all of it was good.

Why not? only around 30% of console gamers buy Xbox.

And the PS2 was a much less powerful console with more good games.
Unless MS make a significant loss with each console the cost will drive people towards PS5.

It worked for Sony, they said the PS2 could jack into the Matrix and have Toy Story graphics.

Kind of weird how the Wii u was the same, but one is hailed as a classic and the other is shunned as a failure.

>more powerful than ps5 and switch
>Competitive pricing
>Actually investing in making AAA exclusive titles
>No gimmick shit like Kinect or TV TV TV

why are people still dunking on series x? The xbone came out 7 years ago and they've clearly learned their lesson let it go

>Going with the "most powerful" shtick for their marketing

Attached: cell.jpg (728x546, 103.88K)