Full-size or tenkey-less???
Full-size or tenkey-less???
"tenkeyless" they couldn't have come up with a better word to describe this type of KB? It's cringe as fuck.
full, no compromise
tenkeyless so my arms can be closer together
>Keyboards without audio control
The fuck is a tenkey?
numpadless would make too much sense for trannies
TKL is for retards. No PC usage benefits from not having tenkey other than shoving the keyboard up your ass and having less length to get up there.
>Anime on a western imageboard
Full, I fell for the 60% meme and went back after trying to play ToME.
>Typically removes ten keys from the layout
I was planning on getting a Wooting but realized that it doesn't have a volume scroller, dropped.
full size.
I just don't feel comfortable without a numpad.
Small keyboards are a reddit meme for people who unironically wear tranny socks
Do you use the numpad? I use mine every day it's my preferred way of entering numbers. I don't really use it for vidya much, but I'd feel weird not having it there.
Full-size, because I'm not some Zig Forums faggot who gets off to posting his feet next to his pink glowing keyboard.
Fullsize + volume roller
>Typically removes ten keys from the layout
>numpad has 17 keys
what did tranny mean by this?
they mean it removes 10 unique keys
tenkey-less + mmo mouse
Why do people call it tenkey now when numpad is a well established term?
audio control is overrated when you have external speakers with a dial
you are a faggot if you dont have a numpad
trannies needed a new special name
tenkey sounds fucking retarded and also makes no sense because a numpad has more than 10 keys. "Tenkey-less" implying you there are ten keys less, but again, a numpad has more than 10.
because people who don't use numpads can't count past ten nor do they have real jobs
but its at least 17 keys removed
>actually it's just numlock
>axxxually it's not blhablahblah
>needing audio control
mentally ill
Why not both?
Full size.
>removes 17 keys
>calls it tenkeyless
Yes it is cringe and so is your post.
why the FUCK would you not want a numpad??? Is your desk too small to fit one??? I actually dont understand this at all.
b-but it really removes num0 to num9 which is 10 keys
Full size, you never know.
It gives me (You)s when I pretend to be retarded
Just another stupid trend that plagues mechanical keyboard trannydom
people with extremely narrow shoulders maybe. or just fags who think its cool or whatever
I don't blame Zig Forums for being too young to understand this, but 10 key was a term that used to refer to desktop calculators used mostly for accounting and data entry before everyone had a computer.
>not getting his custom keycaps for his custom keyboard from groupbuys
never gonna make it
upvoted redditbro
Full size if you're straight
>tfw anything Zig Forums doesn't like is for trannies
if you don't use this your a big fag desu
>the roman numeral function keys
why don't people use numpad, I like it
t. repressed pederast
make it in trans flag colors and you have peak tranny kino
based on what?
Rate my keyboard, Zig Forums
>not realizing it's part of the diablo font
holy zoomer
based if ur a midget
glow in the dark out of nigger
have sex
I didn't get the joke, user. This isn't a TKL.
Why have a keyboard without tacticle home row indicators when all the keys are blank? I feel like I'd have to look down at the keyboard every time I try to type to make sure my fingers are on the correct keys, completely defeating the purpose. Also segmented space bars are disgusting and not having a numpad is an odd choice.
>Hit Escape
>Stab your finger
>Can't get free
>There is no escape
anyone says that one is better than the other is a fucking faggot.
tenkeyless is obviously ideal for cases where you either have a small room, and therefore small desk, or when you move often.
full size is good for large desk, never move.
if your face is at eye level with they keys you can read them