High IQ writing

Bravo kojimbo bravo

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No way that's real

Kojima writing is one of the only good writing in games but everyone on Zig Forums pretends to hate it now because muh hacku fraudu man.

maybe it sounds good and clever in nipponese

twitter.com/search?q=#gamequotes2019 &src=typed_query
its real, holy shit

Brilliant Kojimba

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This post makes me rage because op is so gay.

>"Of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't?"
>"My dear Doctor, they're all true."
>"Even the lies?"
>"Especially the lies."
Meh, Star Trek did it better.

Dogs drink water

It's basically a take off of the expression 'it's true until it isn't'; I don't get what the issue is.

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Please tell me he doesn't have an actual museum dedicated to himself.

She's fragile but not that fragile

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Yeah, I like Kojima stories and Kojima mechanics. He's got this very special kind of "pulp meets literature" thing going on, and I freaking love it.

Zig Forums's like a bunch of baby chicks pecking at the funny-looking chick. All instinct, no thought.

Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.

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It was an art event for Death Stranding and Kojima’s ego

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Reverse DS9 line. Bravo

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An art gallery company in NY was contracted by KJP to make a art gallery for him before the game was released

Also, it shows off every single lanyard and trophy he got before the release of Death Stranding

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I aspire to be as humble as the maestro.

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>“Every lie contains truth, and every truth contains a lie
hello underage OP

>He's got this very special kind of "pulp meets literature" thing going on, and I freaking love it.
>the writing is shit but my cognitive dissonance doesn't allow me to see it as such

He is completely full of himself, I'll give you that. But if he wasn't such an individualistic and pushy motherfucker (very un-Jap-like), his games wouldn't have so much personality.

What a gamer. Truly a genius. A toast!

This fucking guy. I fucking love it.

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Nice facebook meme bro.

C-movie writing isn't personality.

Everything except gameplay haha

Fuck man, I just like it. Just like I like K.W. Jeter or the Oz books or Beyond the Black Rainbow or cheesy Italian horror films. I just fucking like 'em. They got a *FEEL* y',know. A fucking *FEEL* and that's all I can say. None of them are gold all the way through, or anything. Like this: Baum retconned Oz continually, and that pisses me off. Like, he wanted to make the Wizard a child-kidnapping bastard, but the whiny letter from all the kids made him change it.

What compels a man to be this much of a narcissist?

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>holds down L2&R2 and hikes away

what are all these weirdos doing in my hiking simulator


90% of everything that is impossible is possible.
10% of the stuff that is also possible just needs time and effort.

Is this a translation error? I refuse to believe that someone gave millions of dollars to Jaden Smith.

Certain internet forums will eat his shit and he knows it, pretty hard not to be affected by it

IMAGINE being the company that paid for all of kojimbos wet farts lmao.

I can comfortably say that I admire Kojima's style but I really wish he had an editor to polish some of the lazy/goofy shit he does.

>non-stop seething for days now

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The fact that enough retards eat up whatever vile shit he takes.

It's ok to like shit but stop trying to rationalize it, it's pathetic.

A liar never lies

His fans and people who sucked his dick for mgs are the reason why he's the way he is. Then he turns around and blames Americans for not understanding him even though Americans are the one who constitutes most of the sales

being a nip

So how badly did that shit flop?

so like any fanboy of any company?

Give me an example of something you like that's not shit, will you?

knowing you can rip off splinter cell but add shittier cameras and chimpthink to make baseddrones shoot hot loads of cum
this talentless hack hasn't made a good game since ------


Kojima is good writer, but his good works have always had a b-movie atmosphere that makes the shining bits stand out. Metal Gear was always a silly and even parodic in it's heart. He can't create work that's completely serious.

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Ass licking fans and journalism

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I bet he really feels smart for writing that garbage.

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Futa on female.

Does Kojima do drugs or is he just going through a midlife crisis?



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None of his works are completely serious. Death Stranding has alot of silly shit and its aware that its a videogame. Literally Mario references and making fun of videogame tropes.

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I got to the cosplayer, got bored and quit for months. I just picked it up again yesterday and forgot how much I like it. I just started Chapter 4.

There's been constant seething since the game was announced four years ago.


Well yes, el creatividad literally doesn't know how to do anything but be the ideas guy

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please have sex OP I am literally begging at this point

nice ass

Well I think that's fucking stupid and gay, but my dislike for it (and my insinuation that "gay" is lame) is pretty subjective. I doubt you could even break down and micro-analyze your liking for it, either.

That's the problem with the "deconstruction" culture that came out of modern academia. You just can't like something, you have to rationalize the shit out of everything till there's no magic left.

brothers karamazov

in English it feels like an entirely different thing, barely similar

Yup look at Miyazaki for example, remember how Bloodborne has no personality?

For the last time user no, l won't take your virginity

It's often a trait found in creative industry people, they need someone to keep them in check and be productive. Kojima lost his nanny after PW, that's why the game's quality took a nose dive.

20 years surrounding yourself with people who do nothing but blow steam up your ass will do things with your ego.

Endless cock sucking since 08. I thought the series was done for good because 3 sold like shit and normies hated it for terrible camera and menus. Then a surge of fans came out in 08. He was meh and unknown through out the early 00s idk what happened. 4th installment was the worst of the worst with examples of how not to make a video game.

He's probably one of those "gameplay gets in the way of the story" types. If Kojima was American, all of his games would be generic third person cover shooters.

His next game will break Zig Forums.

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>after PW

>stop trying to rationalize it, it's pathetic.

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>So how badly did that shit flop?
So bad that the producer, who was rumored long before the release that he was exhausted and fatigued because of the game's development, left the team when it released. It's also so bad that kjp is considering making indie movies and small games in the future.

Kind of, but I think in it's worse in Kojima's case, especially when you have faggots like Keighley who actively pushed for Kojima being the victim in everything and celebrating the dude like a fucking superstar.

Pushkin or DS?
i-im still trying to learn russian just for poetry

Lmao, fuck off
Do you literally only play Kojimbo games

don't confuse making fun with seething user

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Jesus christ the dialogue he writes is Destiny levels of retarded.


A lot of garbage has fanboys but very few shits have rabid fanboys such as kojihack.

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What on earth are you talking about

>Princess Beach


Self-aware righting is just lazy writing.

It actually takes talent to create immersion in your work, and that's why it's so easy for pseuds to create shows like Rick and Morty that basically look you in the face and mock you for even participating.

The worst part about these masturbatory projects is they are always, invariably, marketing campaigns. As if Norman Reedus is gonna finger gun me with a Monster in his other hand and I'm gonna go run down to the store and purchase PISS WATER for Kojima.

I feel like the man knows the reaction we will have, and does this just because he can. Granted, he designed levels in his games using legos, so he probably does have a massive ego.

I'm not retarded. Keep on seething for another decade while he continues making games.

Someone shitting themselves and asking everyone to smell isn't personality.

>he's the second coming of jesus and he WILL make a GOOD game at SOME POINT
literal retard can't tell that his fingers have been co-opted by japanese kikes
just wow


these retards always get me with b-but if konami didnt interfere he wouldnt have made a shit game
this is retarded you already saw at least 1/3 of the game was even with the chapter 3 and that shitty liquid enocunter nothing wouldve changed the game was headed for the shitter already