I am actually excited for this game, hoping that they take what they did will from the last two games and improve on it.
But how do you think they’ll handle the fact that there were basically no buildings beyond thatched roof huts and wooden longhouses in England during this time period?
What are your hopes for this game?
I am actually excited for this game, hoping that they take what they did will from the last two games and improve on it...
I liked the look of Origins and Odyssey but a few odd bits out me off. Being Assassin's Creed games with those future bits is a big one. They're still going in that direction unfortunately. Having to craft buildings and upgrade a town doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all.
I haven't played Origins or Odyssey since they apparently run like shit and the combat looks to be made of pure low quality jank. I'm pretty sure this game will be exactly the same but I'd like the combat to be improved because I like the idea they're going for but it just looks bad.
>they apparently run like shit
PC fag
>director of Black Flag and Origins
>Jesper Kyd
>no grinding
>no enemy levels
>hidden blade and oneshots are back
>social stealth
>no ship battles
promising stuff so far but we'll see
They will probably make it more about mountain climbing and hiking. It might be interesting to see if they add any elements of navigation like in Death Stranding but it will probably be simple Superman climbing like in the other games like Origins and Odyssey.
Denuvo Anti-Cheat announcement when?
lol wut. PCs objectively have better performance for these games than any console
t. Running Origins on max settings at 60fps
They run fine unless you're stuck with anything below a 1070.
They run at 30fps with drops on consoles dude what are you talking about?