> Male DNC totally aren't gay edition
Ff14 thread
I'm planning on fantasiaing away from a male lalafell.
Female characters seem like a slippery slope.
I guess I'll go back to a male midlander? any inputs?
>Female characters seem like a slippery slope.
the fuck do you even mean by this
Fuck the gay op
Post your favorite job and why you love it
That's all
I have no problem with the OP, and I don't even like male Miqo'te.
Fire IV
I like punching things
I wish Squeenix would give the job some love though
I find female player characters are a lot more obnoxious? I don't want to get into weird catfishing scenarios either.
>Me and the person I made my partner.
It's the only fun tank left plus I love gunblades.
>I find female player characters are a lot more obnoxious
I've never really noticed such a thing.
>I don't want to get into weird catfishing scenarios either.
Then tell people you're a dude if such shit ever comes up?
you enjoy this game outside of the msq? what do you like to do?
I idle with friends, run content with FC, and generally just enjoy my time in the game.
So I cut down half the soldiers in the stronghold in full view of the other half of the soldiers before then engaging myself in a duel to the death and when it's all over the man in charge is like "dude, lets not talk about this again"?
post moar catbois
What the hell is this class that wields those discs?
Nah. I've heard some horror stories, some people are so desperate even when you tell them you're a dude they'll be mad obsessive.
Yea let's calm ourselves bro.
So blacklist them
I play Viera BLM.
>no will to create xi dancer in xiv since the dnc animations are awful on males
they somehow surpassed AST and WHM
>no hat BLM
Look Viera are my second favorite race in the game because I started ERPing with one but how do you deal with no hats?
Don't need a hat to do massive dick DPS
>Friend or mine plays male dnc.
>Also likes to ERP.
>joined a clan full of fags that post pics of their characters dicks
>He plays miqote so prob is a furry.
Why do I even talk to him again?
Frankly it's debatable if they even saw anybody else there. And given you're the only thing between the continent and total destruction, nobody is really keen on talking about you spazzing out or sending letters to yourself then coming back to ask who sent them.
BLM with big hats are stupid! Who thought it was a good idea?
Favorite animations
I wish the animations for your basic rotation would change if you have full stacks
>Why do I even talk to him again?
You play SAM?
I play BLM too, I'm just saying hats are sick.
They're cute!
MNK animations are shit. True Strike, Snap Punch, and Twin Snakes are all the same slow single punch with a long-ass flourish of the arms at the end.
Twin Snakes literally uses both arms (TWIN snakes)
Might get into this soon and wanted to ask, do you think it's worth waiting for the patch that's supposed to help the new player experience?
Tornado kick has great animations, too bad its almost never ever needed
Speaking of Dancer, the NPC miq'ote dancer who is with the job trainer in the dancer storyline is pretty much perfection with her body type, size and that red dancer outfit.
it's the same shitty beats of motion though.