how do we make it not shit?
first and foremost the name of the game is 'Halo 3: 2020'.
i have faith
irrational at this point, but it is what it is
>not shit
you will need to be born after 2005 for that
>Fire O'Connor and whoever is the CEO over at 343
>cancel all production regarding infinite indefinitely
>make all 343 staff focus exclusively on MCC
>make EU media and games made after Reach no longer canon
>make a second reach spin off from the view of Buck and his squad
by making a fresh and new IP with a fanbase that doesnt have an emotional attachment and division lasting at least all the halo games.
That's the thing, it was always shit. It just happened that it was remembered fondly because we didn't knew better.
No custom loadouts.
Start with assault rifle and pistol.
Sprint is ok but any armor ability is a map pickup.
Classic maps for multiplayer return with some new ones.
No forerunner faggotry.
Bring back spartan 2s for multiplayer model.
ok that's a fucking lie
This is H5:G in everything except of the last item.
i hope they revamp the entire gameplay aspect of the game and do something fresh with the new engine.
I think it'd be nice if they allowed for a framework where H3's Spartan IIs (and their gameplay), H:R's Spartan IIIs (and their gameplay) and H5:G's Spartan IVs as well as a new take on it all, could play together, well balanced, for example Spartan IIs having more powerful shields but obviously slower.
wont know till its out
>Sprint is okay
Fuck off
Imagine being so autistic you cant appreciate a sprint button.
Imagine not realising they slowed the movement speed down in reach to justify having sprint and let it carry over to every game since.
Sprint in Reach is different from Sprint in 4 and 5. Reach was still designed for non sprint gameplay, since it was just one option.
remove 343i and let another studio take over
>Reach was still designed for non sprint gameplay, since it was just one option.
And yet literally everyone in multiplayer takes sprint because being able to move erratically and reposition quickly is better than whatever gimmick they could offer you.
Sprint in Halo is stupid, it serves to slow down the game in the long run because you have to make yourself vulnerable to advance relatively quickly.
Add this guy
Don't buy it so 343 comes out and says halo 3 was the canon ending of halo
>FoV slider
>higher base movement speed
>no sprint
>no req shit
>get rid off pistol meta
>make husky raid permanent
>warzone firefight 2.0 on a huge map, 64 players minimum
>more forge love
make the plasma pistol's overcharge bolt faster and remove the lock on function
the thing is so good in campaign but it's such a bore to use
Not true. Sprint in Reach has downsides, it gives away your position, this can be easily countered by the other armor abilities. I nearly never pick sprint. You're not supposed to always pick sprint. Although I do admit that I don't think sprint has a place in Halo, the implementation of it in Reach is entirely different from it in later games, since 343i never looked into why it was there in Reach and how they worked it in the game's sandbox. All 343i did was see sprint in both Halo and other games and they implemented it without much thought other than "faster is popular."
Sprint is necessary in Reach because the base movement is so fucking slow, and it gives you a free out to any fight due to its very high TTK.
By voting with your wallet and letting it die.
You have a decade of evidence pointing at 343 being lazy and incompetent hacks who don't give a fuck about videogames or Halo and just want to cash in on a successful franchise and literally EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of their releases showcases just how blatantly they're willing to lie to your face to make a sale and then put absolutely 0 effort into delivering on their promises but willing to waste thousands of dollars to hire shills to run damage control and shift the blame to the community, the people retarded enough to keep these parasites afloat.
Or you can believe it's somehow going to be any different because they brought back an old armor design and played an old track during a trailer. Definitely signifies a sudden change of heart and talent despite the current mess MCC and its releases are and is absolutely not a lazy attempt to bait your nostalgia. No sir.
The justification I've seen is literally just that it's the industry standard and people "like" it. I wish more devs acted like the doom eternal devs and hashed out their thinking on every design decision
More shotgun variations.
So basically remember the second level of the original halo game?
Make a whole game like that
Make is a quasi RTS like reach was supposed to be
But for that they would have to re-implement all the Nerf's they made to AI
Halo 5 had the last one of those
A shotgun that's actually dangerous, doesn't sound like a pop gun and can kill in close quarters instead of needing to shove the barrel right in their face.
>>get rid off pistol meta
And replace it with what? People spraying ARs at center mass all game?
Halo was a boring level, Silent Cartographer and Assault on the Control Room were better.
From all those hours that I played Reach, none seem to be true. Movement is as fast if not just a little slower than 3's and that was fine. If it's still too slow, you're part of the sprint problem. People rarely sprint away from a fight, unless they were aiming for a different position on the map, and weren't planning to go for killing you anyway, because getting someone down to the point where they would want to escape is the time you can kill them with one or two more shots, you don't have time enough even with sprint to turn around and sprint away from such a situation.
We restart production and hand it off to a different dev team
The biggest problem with Halo's shotguns has always been the long switch time. They always require way too much commitment, so the best course of action when using one is to just crouch in a corner looking at your radar.
even bungie were incompetent hacks with the IP looking at how rushed halo 2 was, how different halo 3 was, and the fact we got two spin-offs as mainline games. halo's just an awful franchise to work with, clearly, for everyone involved.