Are they right?

Are they right?

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Nope. They still put "SJW propaganda" in the remasters.

I don't really care about the ess jay dubyoos if the games are good. The problem is they never are.

No. If you play Mafia 2 there are still
> faggot
> chink
> greaser
words in it. How would you explain it, hmmm?

They’ve still taken over all the major IPs so the majority of games will be pozzed. Remember George Soros dumped 60 million into Activision recently.

The world according to Zig Forums is the population is now 99% trans. Trans now account for 100% of government employees. 100% of corporate boards.

Yet despite making up 0.1% of the population Zig Forums talks about trans people 99% of the time. Not out of spite but because they can't coom to them.

>Implying the lack of quality in modern games isn't the factor driving down sales.

until they're censored

Tell me who they is

Yet they interject themselves into everything and even push to have basic English grammar changed to fit thier delusional world view

>a company worth 19 billion
>with an operating income of almost 2 billion
Is under control of an investor worth 0.0000 something percent. This is your brain on Zig Forums things like basic economics or math just dont exist anymore

They had to put a disclaimer reminding you the game was made in the dark ages of 2010

>people who drank water have a mortality rate of 100%, proving that water is a dangerous substance

And what is this "SJW propaganda" you speak of? Being reminded that not everyone is a straight white Christian male?

Has there ever been an instance of "get woke, go broke" actually playing out in reality?

A random twitter cap from a random nobody
Great thread faggot

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and damn are they squeaky. Being a non offended tough guy is a minus if you want influence.

the remasters are also pozzed with SJW shit

Don't worry, nobody is taking away your pet blacks. You can stop hyperventilating.

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>"Anons are now remastering old threads due to no one wanting to buy "modern threads" laced with twitter screencaps"

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I wouldn't say that this is completely wrong but I think the more damaging part that you are missing is that modern "progressive" studios full of diversity quotas know that they are incapable of making good new games on their own.

The movie industry is the same. Remaster upon re-release upon remaster. And normies gobble it up. Yaay, my favorite Disney cartoon with an extra layer of nigger on top, hurray!

Shut the fuck up west is pozzed, look at all those sjw uggos on the left and superior japanese girls on the right

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wolfenstein, anthem, mafia 3
also to a lesser extent destiny and halo

They remaster everything because it's cheap as fuck and people buy it anyways. The only company who can get away with remaster is From Software because they at least do new IPs and remasters.

It doesn't matter. Games could be filled with the vilest shit possible, but given enough shameless, persistent marketing people will buy literally anything.

I want to have homosexual space utopia fachism with mel gibson where we both have 20 wife harem on mars and there is not black people around

No, they're doing it because it's way fucking cheaper than making new games.

No it's because the people who played the originals before act as free advertising unless the devs really fuck up.

arhk project
watch dogs 2

movies like disney wars and female ghostbusters

>I cherrypicked characters I cant coom to
Bro your brain is pozzed up by porn.

We have been remastering old threads for at least a decade

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>thread opens with a Twitter screencap about DUH SJWS

>people still unironically believe these culture war threads belong in Zig Forums



Is there anybody with an actual brain stem that genuinely likes blacks, Jews, and trannies?

shoo tranny


Nah we just like to punch down to make ourselves feel better.

>literally not a single mention of trannies in the thread prior to this post

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I don't see you when there a literal who rainbow haired tranny "taking down the white man" with a shitty twitter pic.

White Europeans > Africans > Mutts > Joos > Troons

You mean those new games like Doom Eternal, Sekiro, Ass Creed Origins/Odyssey, Metro: Exodus, and Half Life Alyx that all broke sales records (in Alyx’s case I’m looking at Index VR sales)?

dilate. freak

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Go back to Zig Forums, skinhead.

Kill yourself tonight tranny faggot

>SJW propaganda boogeyman
when will it end
I'm just so tired of it all

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Of course you don't see me on an anonymous board, you disingenuous fucking retard

The problem is that your brain is so corroded by these threads that you think in gotchas instead of actually piecing together a coherent argument

Reminder that germanics like anglos and dutch arent european, but central asian. They are more closely related to turks, mongols, and persians than Greeks, Serbs, Spanish, Irish, Italians, Russians, Bulgarians, Romanians, or French.

Soul on the left, discord tranny futa traps on the right.

those games are shit.

That's how it works, user. You don't need 51% stock share to have a "controlling stake" in the company. Look up how much Warren Buffet invests before he takes over boards.

No because of what said in few words.
Making remakes is because they KNOW that shee...gamers will buy their SJW games if they are based on an older, beloved title. And that's also a strong incentive of cutting down on potential risks: a completely new title might fail which means a bad investment and a loss of money. Aka they play it safe by remaking an already existing story, so that also saves them the creative effort and what they only need to do is insert wokeness here and there for the California good boy points. They understand the power of nostalgia in an industry full of manchildren that long to return to the time when they were younger.

Marketing is a whole science user.

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Maybe new games are just shit?

youre asleep. and you dont even want to be woken up.

this is why people need to keep blurays/dvds and/or pirate old movies. sjws will sanitize them to fit their delicate beliefs.

>I don't see you in other threads
no you don't
it's anonymous
you fucking retard

>liberal politics are not being injected into your games bigot!

Reread OP and seethe more