You can relax now
Say bye bye to the stickers
This doesn't confirm there is no Stickers.
Doesn't show us whether that shoe was removed.
The weapons tab has tons of open space. Room for stickers.
If stickers are back, they might work in the way badges worked in 64 and TTYD. Remember Power Bounce? That was a separate attack from a simple jump.
No. I'm fully sure you just have a non-expendable shoe and Hammer so you can't soft lock like Sticker star. And the rest of the space is for 1 time use stickers.
Another thing I noticed that lends me to believe it's more classic is that it said "Boots" and not "Jump" like in sticker star. Boots could be upgraded in 64 and TTYD, and guess what we see in later footage? "Shiny Boots" which is kinda like super boots in a way.
Only because they are calling attacks "Equipment" now.
Like it matters at this point, it's still color splash 2 and I'm still gonna pirate it, fall asleep and delete it.
>no exp
>no party members (I know about the toad pic but still need about them actually attacking)
lol no
Apparently there are equipment tabs in the battle menu, and weapon shops. It would be interesting if different equipment worked as the badges instead, which might explain the need for so many coins. I would prefer them to not be one time use, but for the love of god at least make the game where you aren’t fucking discouraged from fighting
Does this look like good combat to you dipshit?
this combat could be interesting if it introduces things like having to rotate spiked enemies out of the way of a line of enemies you choose to jump on.
It could also be interesting if there are tiles you need to be wary of, like buffs to enemies, or hazards.
I'm trying to remain optimistic but if this game is more of color splash or sticker star I'm fucking done with paper mario I think. This is the last chance for the series to redeem itself at least somewhat.
That's great, now return it to being a RPG, work partners into the game PROPERLY, and get rid of this special snowflake turning battlefield shit and we'll be square. I'll then buy your game.
if you post an anime pic your opinion doesn’t count
Nice attentionspan I guess, glad you invalidated any point or opinion you might've had then by providing nothing to the discussion.
Here is the soul reason why this game is another Sticker Star instead of a Thousand year door.
If it had Thousand year door type game play and mechanics the trailer would have been nothing but flaunting those mechanics and gameplay.
Since it tried it's hardest to make what we saw questionable. It means they are trying to trick you into thinking they are a good PM instead of another Sticker Star.
This is Sticker Star 3. Because they didn't flaunt the gameplay.
>That + Gear at the bottom corner of the attack list
No, Modern Nintendo has a habit of showing things through months.
We didn’t know about Mario Odyssey’s capture mechanic until E3
>Through months.
It's out to buy in less than two.
They told nobody this game existed because they knew if they had to tell anyone specifics about it than they wouldn't buy it again like Color splash.
Modern Nintendo has been revealing games where the basic trailer comes first and then reveals the rest later.
They didn’t tell you about Mario Odyssey’s Capture Mechanic and Luigi’s Mansion 3 Character Ghosts until much later for example
The fact that Attacks, Items and GEAR are separated options sounds very fucking promising
Also the fact that while you can buy more time, you can’t buy Ring Limit, that’s a really good fucking sign
Looks to me like it'll still have the same problem Sticker and Splash had where you can one-shot every enemy in the First Turn nearly everytime.
Yeah you could do that in PM64 and Door too, but you had to be at like 1-5hp to do it so you were playing dangerous.
Wheel mechanic could get boring too.
those menu's are too big to not have some kind of extra attacks and the game doesn't have a FP gauge for normal special attacks so what the fuck are they for? just shitty clunky UI design on IS's part?
even if stickers are back the gameplay looks neat , like they might be attacks where you attack more than one lane , moving the circles to line up more than one lane or by moving a circle you disorder other lanes . It could become into something really neat to strategy with .
I think we still need to see more of battle scenes, honestly.
Nintendo always trying to reinvent the wheel
People just wanted more TTYD combat with maybe some new twist or element like they do with the shitty Pokemon games
the sticker/card system never bothered me, as long as the new system works, I'm fine with it
>game isn'T a carbon copy of TTYD mechanics thus it is trash
It will be another mediocre game that takes a half-measure return to form and therefore only be half as good. It will get mediocre 7.5/10 reviews. Everyone will pretend it's good but really they know it was not and they were cheated out of a good PM game for the 4th time in a row.
There is no point in trying to emulate what made 64 and TTYD great by only carrying over a few traits but leaving out the rest. Just give us a proper RPG already.
based on the screenshot of "shiny boots", i'd say upgradeable equipment, like buying new items and such a la the mario and luigi rpgs
Still, I'm expecting the story to be shit tier and not as good as TTYD or Super Paper Mario
Baby steps I guess
you should never listen to people . like ever.
Even if you listen to one group , another could get dissapointed with it.
How about fuck everyone? ill do what I want if you like it good if you dont , well , fuck off , who cares.
People defend CS on the basis of its writing, music and dialogue but NOT its gameplay. If it had TTYD's gameplay it would have gone from a 7/10 to a 9/10.
Why are you so opposed of something like TTYD when IS have proven time and time again they can't carry out that order and make games anywhere near as good as the first two?
You definately will be spending money on something other than gear, look at the crazy amount he has already and thats like the start of the game.
I dont think he is opposed to the idea of TTYD but more like he isnt opposed to the idea of Nintendo changing stuff.
Or maybe the game is not TTYD, but also not SS.
We shall wait and see
Generic partners, weird combat system (but at least traditional), generic plot from what we've seen.
I'm 5/10 excited for it.
Yeah I am not exactly sold on it either, but I also don't care to write the game off simply for not being like TTYD.
It's not what I wanted out of a new Paper Mario game, but hopefully it'll still be good.
With how you get into combat. It one or the other.
If the combat was SRPG grid it would an entirely new game.
But it's not. They just added a Puzzle wheel to each encounter so you can get initiative or attack boosts.
It's just Sticker Star. Again. For the third time.