How is your game project coming along?

How is your game project coming along?

Attached: game-engines.jpg (1280x720, 92.86K)

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do you honestly care?

I stopped working on it. It's not worth it.

I cant work on it because of terraria. I cant do code autism AND sandbox game autism ill fry my brain. At least i finished my lighting engine before 1.4 now i dont have to return to a half built mess

Attached: unknown-3.png (1392x710, 1.21M)

I cut my scope down by over half and instantly felt an incredible surge of cathartic relief. I'm either a sensible genius or a pathetic weakling.

Attached: 1576694388806.jpg (1080x1075, 239.92K)

I'm checking what I've done and see what I need to do, I thought I could be done by the end of the month, but, end of june it is.

That paperball game is getting a lot of fanart!... relative to how well its known.

you're not done cutting. Cut until you can't find anything else that you could possibly sacrifice.

It's coming alright

Attached: ms.webm (1600x900, 2.37M)

I'll start soon. I mean it this time!

How do you plan to market your game

Attached: sales.png (1200x1500, 225.25K)

Lately I've been messing around with Unreal Engine's cinematic system to get a better feel for it.

Attached: HighresScreenshot00001.png (2862x1227, 3.06M)

xenko is now stride

>4 years
>dark souls inspired platformer
>a team
its like they wanted to fail just to brag about it

Post a link on Zig Forums once, shrug, and move on to working on the next game.

Does this have console support?


I'm using Twine!

I opened Unity today so that's an improvement from my average day.

Whatever works for you, friend.

>main character is a FUCKING ORB
>not once did it cross their mind this might have had something to do with their failure

I'm at another point where I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with it, but things are still slowly getting done.

Attached: bump.webm (852x480, 143.3K)

>tfw too busy doing college assigments to work on my game

Attached: 7354735473.jpg (980x490, 37.24K)

Aren't there other successful games where you play as spherical objects?

My idea was an idle/incremental game called Idle Tank where you play as a tank, basically over time recruit a party that does DPS and such to automate things, but you can play actively
It might be awful. I don't know.

>Search name in steam
>Every game with warrior in it's name will show up first until you add that B
They were fool's all around

Are we? Didn't seem like that much art

yesterday i said i would post a webm

Attached: dhc-2020-05-20.webm (960x540, 2.43M)

Getting another boss together, dragon this time.

Attached: DARGON.webm (768x672, 1.78M)

Attached: 2020-05-16 09-44-59.webm (1920x1080, 1.52M)

idle games are like electronic meth. if numbers are increasing people will play it no matter what

>enemies have big flashy projectiles
>meanwhile player throws tiny pellets
Looking good tho