Attached: kratos3.jpg (700x525, 70.61K)
Sebastian Ross
Dylan Rogers
cant believe hes gone bros
Angel Garcia
Let his son be saved before him, then a wave hit.
Ryder Sullivan
is that the original voice actor of kratos?
Luke Bell
Oh no where will they find somebody else who can do generic big buff man voice oh no
Adrian Scott
No vocals. Just cgi body work. Didn't realize Shad was that stacked.
Aaron Jenkins
Nathaniel Taylor
>told lifeguards to save his son with his dying breath
he's better than most of us
Alexander Cruz
Caleb Gonzalez
Wasn't the stargate guy the one who voiced Kratos?
Caleb Davis
I didn't die an embarrassing death so no.
Henry Barnes
Yes. This guy did the mocap.
Benjamin Roberts
Niggers shouldn't be left near water.
Michael Russell
You dying alone after a heart attack from your final yank to Loli porn is worse imo
Brandon Sullivan
Pop your 40's and check your rollies, it's Cry Tyme
Noah Sullivan
This guy was the body for nukratos and did mocap work for him
Samuel Gonzalez
And noone will find you till you inflate like baloon with putrid gasses
Carter Jackson
Chase Gray
>you will die alone
>no one will find you until long after your neighbors get sick of your smell
Cope harder incel
Levi Baker
>Made the life guards save his son and leave him
He was a good man. F
Ryder Morris
Lucas Lee
Gotta be a real miserable piece of garbage to laugh at someone dying
Karma is a real bitch though
John Sanders
Inbreds shouldn't be on a site created for college students.
Nathan Baker
>Karma is a real bitch though
Karma doesn't exist you low-IQ nigger.
Jonathan James
Niggas can’t swim.
Luke Nguyen
niggers can't swim confirmed.
also fuck you nigger loving jannies for deleting my posts.
Gavin Martin
You'll eat those words when I'm in Elysium and you're forced to suck cock for all eternity.
Austin Sullivan
That's what Lucretia wants you to believe.
Juan Campbell
Lucas Allen
Justin Edwards
god i wish i could suck cock eternally
Landon Morales
It's a shame you're a fat and hairy fag instead of a cute girl.
Jayden Torres
Tough guy right here folks
Camden Morales
He did good work, Nu-Kratos had a hulkish feel to his movement
Brody Phillips
Eric Jacobus did the mocap for new Kratos you retards.
https: //
Josiah Perez
While we're at this topic, can someone tell me how this "God of Onions" started here?
No shitposting or memes, i legit can't understand it, because this game is literally, by all means of the word, the least "onions" and political correct game made in recent years.
>Story is about a father/son relation ship
>Father teaches his son craftsman and hunting skills
>Villain is a manipulative woman
>You can beat female bosses (Valkyries) into a bloody pulp
And here's the best part that should have made every single SJW on twitter go into berserk mode
>Kratos refuses to call Freya by her name, just calls her "woman", like an item or someone way beneath him
How did Zig Forums a 180 and start using onions memes on this? I unironically can't come up with a manlier game or player character created in the 2010's.
Kayden Sullivan
are there futas in elysium
Camden Gomez
wife's son was a hot meme at the time, and one of the promotional images at the time had him with his mouth wide open, when the basedboy meme was all the rage
literally just shitposting, don't overthink it
Eli Sanders
That was all? Not a dev interview or something were someone had a onions bottle on his desk?
Because that seems so random, like you would make jew memes with Mario because of his big nose.
Joshua Thomas
>claims to be a god of war
>dies anyway
Jaxson Nelson
Zig Forums ALWAYS lashes out against games that are popular. I don't know if you were here in 2011 when Skyrim was released, but the board was filled with threads where people discussed the game and their discoveries in it, generally having a good time. Fast forward a few weeks, when it was clear that Skyrim was one of the biggest videogame releases ever, the general consensus on Zig Forums turned to "absolute horrid piece of shit worst game ever made".
As for the particular point of contention with God of War, it started from the (false) implication that Atreus was not Kratos' biological son.
Eli Clark
Kratos died like 3 times already
Noah Collins
Zig Forums doesn't like western AAA games as a general rule
Jonathan Perez
>grown man
>can't swim
Thomas Scott
>Kratos refuses to call Freya by her name, just calls her "woman", like an item or someone way beneath him
that's what confirmed to me that every twitter outrage is forced and sjws don't have any power. that's peak "toxic masculinity", yet no one gave a fuck.
Thomas Nguyen
Can you imagine the sequel having some sort of nordic tranny or even just a beastman character and Kratos just calls him Halfbreed the entire game?