What others games like this?
Character heights matter in gameplay
Other urls found in this thread:
Used to matter in Vindictus, with smaller size having faster attack speed and larger size having more reach. Think it only affects hitbox now, if even that.
Fighting games
Actions games
nigga fuck, like anything that isn't a turn-based RPG basically
fucking platformers
Doesn't matter in MMOs and VNs, but VNs are not games so...
Dragon's Dogma
Dragon's Dogma
I better get into this last closed beta I FUCKING SWEAR.
I got into the first one and loved that game but did not get into the second.
It matters in some MMOs if big-ass motherfuckers don't fit through doorways.
What game btw?
Genshin Impact
Really? So if you pick the biggest race you can't get through doorways? What games do that? Does that, inversely, mean that there are areas only big fellas can access?
Closed beta signup is open now.
I heard the game has fallen into gacha territory though.
Oddjob in Goldeneye
Wasn't it meant to be one from the start?
Reminder this chinese game literally looks better than botw but it doesnt have an army of nintendo shills hyping it up
>Has fallen
It was designed with that in mind since the beginning looking at the past titles of its devs (MiHoYo) and yeah, they don't have a good reputation in the gacha territory aside of "Having gameplay", being a F2P in Houkai 3rd gets fucking absurd by the insane amount of grinding and farming mats.
The elder scrolls games, tall races run faster.
Its made by mihoyo of course its going to be gacha
chinese is such an awful language to listen to
would rather listen to them speaking in hard german
Can't name one honestly, think its bs. Maybe you have barriers when mounted in games where mount size scales with you (WoW), such as bridges or whatever, but legit not being able to enter a place? Would've probably seen memes about that I think.
>hyping gatcha shit
>hyping chink shit
Seek the rope
No surprise, and feared as much. Some games can still be enjoyable even with such shit, and I kinda want a mobile ARPG or whatever.
>Looks better
But at least Nintendo won't force you to go through shitty gacha(even though Nintendo gachas are one of the scummiest out there).
t.Mobageshit eater.
My man. Avoiding the general aim line is incredibly useful.
I tried to play Honky for awhile but I couldnt keep track of all the shit. I just want to play Diet Bayonetta.
It'll be multi-language, including a top tier Japanese dub.
what game??
BotW isn't garbage gacha mobile, and it's not chinese. So it wins.
smaller characters in dragons dogma can enter goblin caves they regain stamina faster but has a lot less of it than if you were taller
read the thread.
i remember when snoys were hyping this game
and then it was coming out on switch as well and they stopped lmao
Dragon's Dogma
that sounds pretty fucking gay
I hope capcom is making DD2 right now.
Imagine thinking that copying someone and improving it a bit deserves the same praise as the original one lmao
they will never
They didn't improve shit. The game looks terrible, from UI, to character swap, up to gacha shit.
>Not wanting to put your loli through all the tortures that a fantasy land provides
They are it's the only other game itsuno wanted to make
Is this coming to the west?
i cant log in
fucking chinks
Yes, global release.