What's his fucking problem?
What's his fucking problem?
Epic edgy joke bro
But he is a male though.
im curious, is it multiple people posting this or just one singular schizo?
not a joke but ok
this, fuck op
note the filenames when posted each time
its one batch still
no one has picked up the horrid typo laden "oc" yet
>surprise surprise
Fuck of with your eceleb garbage
>People freaking out over stupid deer noises
People act weird all the time on Twitch he's clearly fucking joking.
>watching streamers
eat shit and die zoomer
Is there a faster way to reply with the post numbers, I dont want to type out the numbers anymore
Go back
>Identifies as a deer
You know, the thing that male deer have. :^)
ESL retards like you.
are you that much of a bitch irl OP?
found the newfag
Fucking this
Just because you are bashing a tranny into suicide does not mean talking about your zoomer friend simulator is ok.
it probably has autism
mental illness he does not get help for because mentally ill peopel does not know that themselkfs, it is up for healthy people to help the sick, but in todays society mental illness and illness in general is encouraged, i dont know how that happened, but it did
explain this
Something in the childhood. I hate any retard who says they were "born like this". Something happens in their childhood and the way they perceive it and in take it. Could be a lot of exposure to set thing or not enough exposure. Basically bad parenting, 100% don't listen to what any other retard tries to tell you.
>Male to Female tranny
>Otherkin Deer
so MTF that indentifies as a male Deer?
>They can't fire me,You should fear me
Earth-shatteringly based
That's a reindeer, different species. He's clearly not roleplaying one of them
It's not a joke or edgy. That's not a woman, it's a mentally ill man. What really is an edgy joke is mentally ill children being peer pressured by freaks to mutilate their bodies forever as "cure" for their sickness.
I can do that too
This guy came in his pants ON STREAM larping as a deer. Quite the joke huh?
Power hungry psychopath. Would probably act the same way if she knew she was the only person in a room with a gun. Her being trans or some Otherkin-bullshit is the LEAST of my concern. Glad she’s not in a position of power now.
Does he still have a penis?
voice chat
Use mouse to highlight the post number then right click and select copy, then paste into the reply box
stop bullying people with mental problems, it's just mean
He's clearly being a fuckin dork but it's not even a big deal you're just overreacting to him because you disagree with this fag politically.
It's profitable. That's it. They're so easy to take advantage of that their parasites will protect them in any way possible.
He had a dick. It doesn't matter at all that he cut it. He's still man.
You will never be a woman.
Tranny discord raid. Nobody accepts you and you will never be a woman. No matter how hard you try to consensus crack.
wow it's almost like secondary sex characteristics has no bearing on gender identity.
You're not allowed to help them either. You get called a bigot and then they ban you.
Might as well have some fun laughing at retards when nothing else works.
The one time I feel "it" is more fitting because that thing isn't human
It's not edgy until he's killed himself user, don't jump the gun
stop. posting. this. off. topic. shit.
it's too hard to filter
Kys falseflagging tranny
I was agreeing with you retard
>They can't fire me,You should fear me
Was that a real quote?
>Paying someone to pet you while you cum in your pants in front of thousands of viewers while making deer noises
>just being a dork
>all these trannoomers ITT
what the fuck is this website turning into
I didn't imply anything else. I was just pointing something out, retard.
admit it Zig Forums, it was kino
you give freedom to homosexuals, you end up with this
reap what you sow
Watch this video
Trannies have the same chemical brain imbalance as bipolar disordered and most serial killers
>Just gets his head rubbed
>Makes retarded noises
>"omg guys he's so mentally ill"
Overreacting retards
True, he should have said "it".
For fucks sake
shut up tranny
fucking trannies
just fucking kill yourself
ok tranny.
Zig Forums will never accept trannies. Get used to it, or leave.
He's white, this is normal for them.
Even he knows he doesn't sound like a girl.
Mental illness
lmao infighting amongst transphobes
Abortion wasn't legal in his state around the time of his birth.
>call a man a man
>this makes me the bad guy
I don't understand