What is your favorite shotgun in all of vidya?

What is your favorite shotgun in all of vidya?

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Doom II super shotty.

For me it's the AA-12, the best video game shotgun

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870 MCS

KF1 Double Barreled shotgun is the real shit.

Shotguns are objectively garbage and outdated.
They're outperformed by short-barreled ARs in every situation where you might use one

Bad Company's 2 Neostead 2000 with slugs.

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sancti tigris

Good taste desu

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Serbu Super Shorty. It just amuses me for some reason.

M3 Super 90

Babies first auto shotty

the virgin AA-12 vs the Chad USAS-12

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spas 12 with the stock folded desu


>you have been kicked from the server
>Reason: nubstick fggot

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incorrect, that would be the SPAS-12

out of the way faggots

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I can respect a game shotgun that is bad for the right reasons.

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So fucking what. Theyre fun to shoot faggot.

Not true, gunlet. There's a myriad of ammo types that a pump shotgun will run that you could never dream of firing out of your mall ninja AR

Name even a single situation where I'd think
>Oh fuck I sure wish I had my shotgun instead of my AR

>muh gimmick useless ammo

>brb just gonna snipe these pheasant out of the air with muh AyyyyArrr.
Clearly you're right when it comes to combat. But there's plenty of use for a shotgun. A half decent break action twelve gauge will take any game in north America with the right ammo. Be simple enough for anyone to use/maintain, and still let you defend yourself.

Well considering california's aiming to ban the AR again, shotguns are the only thing to have (until they're banned too)

>You can't use a rifle for bird hunting
Do americans really?
We use .22lfb guns here for duck and pheasant hunting

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You've never hunted in your life.

But I have, state licensed and everything

>Don't mind me just killing my family in the other room when I shoot a home invader

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Aesthetically, AA-12
Gameplay-wise, Scout's scattergun.

>meaty, satisfying hit despite not nominally being a oneshot
>actually a shotgun with tight spread and comparable range to game's SMG equivalents, not the usual "lol death hitbox"
>balanced with a unique shield, not with asspulls trying to make an objectively inferior shot type viable by itself
>deceptively mobile
>highest skill cap in the game, rewards good players by being one of the best 1v1 weapons
I fucking love this thing.

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t. noguns

Commiefornia fucking sucks. Im going to have to end up getting a shotgun because owning an AR of any kind means attaching that stupid fin to the pistol grip and being limited to 10 rounders. Doesnt help this meme virus coupled with the election nonsense is jacking up all the prices.

Based, too bad Splatoon 2's lag makes it inconsistent if not totally nonfunctional, can't tell you how many times I've been killed with my shield already up. That being said I still adore it. What do you run on yours?

Hate how they absolutely massacred my boy in Exodus

most people use a shotgun because it's easier, stop acting like birdshot is somehow inferior

lol their testing used SLUGS you fucking idiot. SLUGS.