You were right, Zig Forums, the slippery slope actually happened
You were right, Zig Forums, the slippery slope actually happened
god I fucking hate animal crossing fags
I see no harm in this
isnt animal crossing for children?
I hope child predators know we're going to start killing them as soon as they come out in the open, because we will
>I don't support the right to fondle kids' genitals, but I do support the right to chop off kids' genitals
40% is not enough.
>nintendo fans
What's the difference
what's the difference?
you can't have one and not the other
either every fuckup is welcome or none is
get your shit straight Isabelle, fuck
>trannies: me too!
>Zig Forums: wait a minute I mean FUCK PEDOS
What are trans rights?
MAP rights are human rights
what the fuck are map rights
Didn't it just go to 42%?
>he doesn't know the map isabelle poster was a troll
it was the first image post on that account and it looks like both lefties and righties fell for it
I thought a recent study said it was 51% now.
There is nothing wrong with being a pedo
The only faggots that support MAPs (pedophiles) are the MAPs themselves
Most faggots hate them just as much as any normal person hates pedophiles
It's a very thinly veiled attempt by pedos to invade the faggot acceptance-space
One group wants sex with children, one group wants to ruin their lives, big difference
>le v is one person
More, that's still not enough
>There is only one type of person on Zig Forums
Why do we have to keep telling you fuckers how stupid you are? Why cant people as dumb as you fuck off forever? I'm sick of being surrounded by retards everywhere I go.
The right to use a map or GPS obviously. Being lost is no laughing matter user.
I can't even remember what life before trannies was like
children love trans people though. theyre all colorful and silly like clowns.
What's the difference
so... cunny thread?
This. I don‘t give a fuck if you wanna chop your dick off and strangle yourself with it but if you touch kids you deserve to hang
NAMBLA all over again
I will participate
>yet another fucking tranny thread
based pedophiles destroying faggots from the inside
pedos started using tumblr terminology in order to blend into the clusterfuck that is the LGBTQ+ movement and now the trannies are pissed, they made a flag and everything, it's great
We have to fight pedos, trannies AND Zig Forumstards, user.
when we do it it's based
The only reason some men are trans is because they’re Not flexible enough to suck their own dick. The ones who are become femboys instead.
This was true about trannies 6 years ago but here we are.
cunny: a drawing
trannies: advocate the ability to mutilate actual children's (as in not drawings) actual genitals (as in not drawings)
you: i mean theyre basically the same
i'll fight them all user
I heard it's now up to 42069%
transphobic? i'm not transphobic. i hate everyone equally.
>Take fictional character
>draw them holding a flag
>one of the first things mankind did when the ability to take photos and record videos was discovered was to create cp
>Europe was the first continent to do so
>they sold it in book/video stores legally
Where did it all go so wrong?
Cunny isn’t real children
Why doesn't this piss Nintendo off? Didnt they ban Smash levels for doing that shit? Or does this fall under creative freedom?
Seek help, not being unable to distinguish reality and fiction is a sign of mental problems
NoA is afraid of them. Japan doesn't pay attention to round-eye.
ohhh we're halfway there
>Zig Forumstards
Then how come loli threads always devolve into people posting actual cp? It happens way too often for you to say there is no connection
Without being an emotional sjw explain why.
>if you don't like my bullshit jew world order conspiracy theory you will call me a nazi
Wasn't that obvious from all the disgusting, """"ironic""" cunnyposting here?
>he doesn't know
that's actually a nice looking flag.
MAPChads seem to be pretty based
Then how come it doesn't always happen in Zig Forums?
Give it time, friend. If suggesting lopping a kid's ding dong off 20 years ago would've gotten you shunned and probably put on a list, imagine what life will be like in 10 or 20 years from now :^)
I take it you don't browse Zig Forums
>Liking midgets
mercy kill sokka
>you can mutilate yourself, persuade others to do the same, ruin all media for decades to come, allow your degeneracy to become the norm, but being attracted to someone under the age of 18 is where I draw the line
This isn't ironic, newfag. Welcome to Zig Forums.
Oh, well then. Carry on.
Zig Forumstard got moved from Zig Forums to /n/ the third it looks like.
as someone that has been here since 2009 i know thats not true at all though. maybe on Zig Forums or 2chan but not here on Zig Forums. and even when it does happen the post gets banned or the thread gets nuked.
Why do roasties fear the c-word?