Which game blackpilled you on the industry of games? For me it's pic related. After that I simply do not buy western games anymore. The japanese still make good games, but who knows for how long.
Which game blackpilled you on the industry of games? For me it's pic related...
Wow, you must be like, 15 if rdr2 was the game that finally pushed you over the edge.
i liked rdr2, but mostly because i didn't finish the story. felt like a drag compared to exploring and hunting
>waaa western games/devs suck for me it's only anime shit like japanese XD so kawai!
I upvote to you to my friendly stranger! Us here on Zig Forums love anime and questionable-age asian cartoon girls with tails and bunny ears!
I'm 27 but whatever you say faggot.
>i didn't finish the story
Yeah, I didn't either, although I suspect I almost reached the end.
>girls with tails
I'm skinny and gay, but whatever you say faggot.
I actually dropped that game around chapter two or three I believe. whenever you get to that lakeside camp I mean. Mostly just from getting brunt out running all over the damn map trying to upgrade the camp to max before I advanced the story, but it's such a grind trying to find the right materials and get all the moneh needed. I love the characters for the most part, Gun play and customization is pretty good. But the online is horse shit last when I played, like before their first major update to it. It was my first experience with any Rockstar online and it consisted of be doing a mediocre mission or two, wandering around an empty map I can explore in Single player, and getting camped by two assholes with Rolling Block Snipers in Black Water. Then I just said Fuck it and dropped the game when RS said No Single Player DLC was coming despite saying the wouldn't pass up the opportunity for it like in GTA 5.
I may pick it up again or even retsart the damn game again. Last time I checked I had Arthur dressed in dark trench coats, a black hat and thick side burns and mustache, Kinda of a Lemmy Kilmiester look.
Funny because playing RDR2 also made me realize how shitty the gaming industry is. But not because it was a bad game, but because it made me realise how lazy and uninspired other game developers are.
> The Japanese still make good games
Do they though? the vast majority of modern Japanese games are just as soulless as western games,
When can you fast travel from campfires around the map?
Saw the feature was added a few months ago but can't find the option when making camp in chapter 2.
>but because it made me realise how lazy and uninspired other game developers are.
There's nothing inspired about RDR2, they just had 8 years and a shitload of money to make physics and stuff. Basically no other company can afford that. In terms of actual gameplay and stuff? Not a single good new idea.
At least Japaneses Games have the excuse of fan service, shallow as that may seem. Due to the west being a lot more prude and 'decent' then the east, most vidya girls usually look either bland, dog faced, or have to be a realistic kind of beautiful. I guess you don't wanna piss off the Gamer Girls and Soccar Moms, yeah? not like a parent isn't capable of looking at what media their child ingests and can easily just change it them selves. Nope, Karen doesn't like the fact her kid has a girl perkier and prettier than her and has to make it everyone's problem.
>I'm 27
>I'm skinny and gay
That's fucking sad
>Doesn't like Red Dead 2, but likes JRPG shit
hard to use the movie game excuse when JRPGs are exactly this with some of the lamest "gameplay" in any genre
>I'm skinny and gay
Okay so OP just confirmed he's a faggot
Could be worse, OP could 31 and a virgin. For all we know he could have been plenty of Guys warm wet hole for a knight. More than most of us can say.
That's always the case user
you must be some hollywood fucking actor to be talking shit like that.
Turn JRPGs are pretty nice. Action JRPGs are kinda shitty for most part.
like he said
Just refunded this piece of shit.
You did good. It sucks people can't pirate it still.
Shadow of Mordor getting to the point where the load times on PS3 made it unplayable. I realized western companies cared more about making a quick buck than making something playable or retaining customers. Western devs are beyond saving at this point.
>actually admitting that you're a coomer that eats shit
What the fuck happened to Zig Forums
path of exile
even when the dev himself wants the game to be slower and more intelligent, he has to answer to money/employees until it spirals out of control into a shitty mess
nothing is safe
>having no taste for aesthetics
apparently (you) happened to Zig Forums, with the rest of the faggots defending western art direction as a whole
Just play osrs
I bet you like garbage like Code Vein and Atelier Ryza and hail it as peak Japanese game design.
>gaybro has shit taste
You went from gaybro to faggot.
3rd world opinions dont matter
no I actually don't, you're just a braindead retard if you think the current art environment in the west is anything but cucked
and looking at Atelier Ryza, the images on google don't immediately repulse me
>the images on google don't immediately repulse me
They should because it's the epitome of lazy, uninspired weebshit.
>Which game blackpilled you on the industry of games?
oblivion and fallout 3
>is gay
>the epitome of lazy, uninspired weebshit
which is several tiers higher than what might as well be garbage pail kids for most western games
Uncharted lost legacy.