Why is gaming no longer fun?

Why is gaming no longer fun?

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fuck off with your shit threads you post daily

why is Zig Forums so full of depressed doomer faggots? am i the only one who still likes playing video games?

It's fun if you have balanced life. My coworker often goes through the same phase but when he does find a game he likes he plays it every waking hour he's not at work and wonder why he burns out.

No, Zig Forums is not one person. What games are you playing? I’m going through some weeb game called mad father and playing orcs must die 2 co op with my bud when he’s back from work

They're failed normalfags, and much like normalfags, they lack the ability to commit to anything, which greatly reduces their ability to enjoy Video Games, coupled with a lack of effort expected of Normalfags.
This means they can neither get good at the games they do like ( Zig Forums is full of shitters for the most part ) nor can they spend time playing a game and discovering its intricaties

New games are just microtransaction, dlc, lootbox filled games that people defend hard.
Theyre not fun because these games are just used to get money.

because they're no-talent hacks convinced of their own potential but never trying at anything to protect their miniscule self-worth. When they fail, they blame society but deep down, they hate themselves.
Video games is just the outlet to vent self-hate at concepts that can't interact back at them.

Life is no longer fun in general
Its just sixty more years or so then I can die

ayo son I just pumped a massive load in your mother, tf you gonna do about it

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