Why was is so shit, Zig Forums? Was it C-Team?
Dark Souls 3
Nolan Stewart
Jason Cox
Joseph Diaz
I think thats just you
Noah Long
ds3 is bad because it's uninspired and derivative. not because the graphics look bad when you zoom in and crop a screenshot of an area that's unloaded because your character is too far away.
Daniel Gomez
I played it recently and thats just how it looks like, its not unloaded, it really looks like that
Kayden Perry
Brody Cook
I liked it :)
Eli Rodriguez
DS3 is really polished but DS2 had way more soul.
Asher Rodriguez
Yeah dark souls 3 was crap. 2 was unironically better, although 1 still holds the throne.
Eli Green
whats the point of this post