Game is better than the big game the engine the start based of the off half life and supposed to be worse and aint

>game is better than the big game the engine the start based of the off half life and supposed to be worse and aint

Attached: 220px-SiN_Episodes_-_Emergence_-_Box_Front.jpg (220x313, 26.71K)

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>>game is better than the big game the engine the start based of the off half life and supposed to be worse and aint

are you having a stroke?

Delete this post and then rewrite it in actual English.

Mate this game sucked.

Like most early source games.

It was hard to find a working download of this game, and the version I did find came with a nude mod pre-applied

Man, this guy really made dreads look cool as fuck on a vidya character.

Attached: Sin_Box_Front[1].jpg (291x341, 20.65K)

>based valve working all the indieshit devs into thinking episodic content was the way to go
Serves them right for not seeing it was all a work

>>game is better than the big game the engine the start based of the off half life and supposed to be worse and aint
Woah, I didn't know Joe Biden was on Zig Forums

The only gold to come out of these games was the hilarity of watching Inside Gaming guys shit all over it. Those playthroughs were funny as shit

Sin was my Half life.