Play Sea of Thieves

Play Sea of Thieves

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>Play Sea of Nothing

Give me reasons why it's better than it was at launch.

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It was fun in 1st anniversary update, Now I feel like its boring.

Play Last Oasis

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>It's a sandbox game!
>doesn't give you any thing to play with
Do they still only have 5 weapons?

>need actual people to crew your ship
No way pal

Tall Tales and actual content now

Both BORING and yes I've played both. Why can't new games just be GOOD for once? Try to do SOMETHING I mean ANYTHING

I already have.
I really wish the emissary clothes were cosmetics instead of a fixed costume. Gold Hoarders' costume is great but I don't like hooks or peg legs.
>tfw nobody to play with
>tfw have to do open crews which are a mixed bag
I've been getting lucky enough, I guess.

It is boring as fuck. I really like the setting, graphics, the sailing mechanics, but the core loop of the game is just awful.
They should have made a co-op adventure game instead (like tall teles but with character progression) with the Arena as an additional mode.

i like the game as a chill multiplayer game with your friends that has fun pvp. The tall tales are the best multiplayer pve content in any game i have ever played. I can see why people don't like the game though as everything is cosmetic which has it's pro's and cons. I care nothing of cosmetics but i like taking other people treasure because THEY care about cosmetics. It's not for everyone and i wouldn't play it alone but i am glad i have it.

ever tried an alliance server? You can get good groups there the only problem is the discord servers are controlled by no fun allowed admins but you can find a good one.

I did for the 1$ pass, reached pirate legend and never cared since.

>I care nothing of cosmetics but i like taking other people treasure because THEY care about cosmetics
Mother of based.
I decided to go back to the old sailor shirt and pants, with the high-cuffed boots, and it honestly looks really nice. Crisp, perhaps.

Personally, I love the fact that I can treat it like tf2: Play it every weekend or two without dealing with "muh endgame grind."
Alliance servers are a very hard pass for me.

But I already do

The cosmetic progression is a hill they will die on so you just have to accept it, but it is both a really weird and unique design choice. One day I'll be wishing for actual progression when I blow up a galleon, but the next I'll be glad it's just cosmetic when a galleon sinks me and I lose an entire day's haul.

I really don't mind the cosmetic progression at all. Personally, I'd say it works pretty well, and also helps keep the gameplay simple. If the items were "do X Y% faster," it wouldn't be a very good game in terms of pvp.
I'm a real sucker for some of the boots and jackets, mind you.

I am, the new Reaper Emissary sails are a godsend. I've had more PvP in the last few weeks than I had in the previous six months.

The Emissary system is such a great concept. Makes the game more rewarding, and makes guessing intentions and wealth easier, in a clever way.
>pvp is now much more rewarding
>pvp'ers know who to hit
>solo sloops and pve-only shitbabs know who to run away from

And there's a ton of people who want to PvP but don't know how to do shit.

>Get Rank 5 Reapers flag
>Park at the active Skull Fort
>Position on man on the island by a cannon to fire at/launch to ships approaching us
>Sunk four ships in a row doing this
Made more money than actually doing the fort.

Damn, I found that people run away from reapers. Maybe it was just that I joined a wuss server that one time.
I do need to do forts, but pvp fuckery is just capital Nice.
>be innabrigantine
>just handed in Burning Sands after our ship sank
>ship comes back
>I see a sloop way south
>the three of us decide to say hello, with no particular intent
>accidentally crash into this sloop
>accidentally sink it
>grade 4 Gold Hoarders
>dummy thicc amounts of loot
>"accidentally" steal their loot and kill the one guy who tried to tuck, other dude runs further inland only to be chased down by my crewmates
SoT has the best pvp themed shenanigans. The highest points are burglaries.

>still not on windows 7
>still no progression
>still no way to really impact the world
>still no way to find a crew if you dont have real life friends
>still no fucking content
>still skinnerbox garbage

Wake me up when at least 5 of these are fixed. The 'put it on w7 and not w10 spyware' is mandatory.

I hope they never "fix" these things, because we don't want our kind.

imagine calling a game boring then telling people to play a fucking survival crafting sandbox game in 2020

I have no friends to play with and the game has little content so there's zero point in playing. As a solo player you get obliterated in PVP 100% of the time and the core content of going from island to island and picking up shit is painfully boring.

The core content of the game is fucking with and sinking the people who go from island to island collecting loot for me.

not him but how viable is it to play against other plays when you're solo? I have one other friend I play with but I want to do some solo grinding and need to know if I'll be wasting my time against other ships or not

Is there any real objective yet? Unless they turn it into a proper ocean MMO with hundreds of players on the seas, I'm not playing it

being able to drop and pickup the game without having to grind is a very underrated feature

hey i fucking despise survival sandbox games
you do you, but don't you ever fucking tell me what to do again, capiche?

Playing the far superior game here.
>tfw Sid Meier won't stop making Civ games to make another Pirates game

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