What characters would look better as a girl? Personally...

What characters would look better as a girl? Personally, it is my belief that Liu Kang from Mortal Kombat would look better as a girl.

Pic related, it's what Liu Kang would look like if he were a girl.

Attached: liu kang as a girl.jpg (348x419, 15.92K)

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post the nudes already, make your 3 days vacations worth it

I don't think he's done nudes. He has some very nice shirtless pics, however.

Attached: liu.jpg (233x455, 23.25K)

Pit from Kid Icarus

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who is this and why she keeps being posted

Snake would look pretty nice as a woman, imo

Scout from tf2, twice the insufferability.

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*cough cough* AHEM.

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What kind of autism is this?


Is this JessicaBabyFat?

Liu Kang looks hilarious as a female, lmao

Kayona Kim, she's always the Zig Forums waifu.

I've seen her ta-tas. They're nice.

Scorpion as a woman and Sub-Zero her rival and Lover

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PM sent :)

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ibb dot co/Vp2YdYf

You're a fucking legend user

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Lots more where that came from

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before Uprising was a thing, I remember my autism wanting a Kid Icarus remake so bad I made one up in my head where Pit and his sister run around saving the day. The Brawl remodel invigorated the ideas I had before that, and it turned into a 2-player sidescroller puzzle platformer with the game progressing in massive Metroidvania stages. You collected the same items to explore each stage Zelda style (or like the NES Icarus fortress stages) and used your arrows and melee blades to fight enemies. There would have been Green Arrow style trickshots and trick arrows as well as different abilities you earn like flight. It would have kept the light-hearted nature of the first 2 games but look more like the jump from Link to the Past to OOT in terms of trying to "grow up" the games. The sister was a blonde curly-haired angel with glasses who was more anxious to be fighting than Pit, was a techie, and used a crossbow and a small mechanical cherub to fight. And I had this idea of introducing a bunch of characters to flesh out the world. I remember having a family of Medusa's siblings who sought revenge on Pit (including Arachne and a Satyr), and then giving him a rival character (that would basically be Dark Pit) named Kazim who was an angsty genie who fought with a glaive.. There was an owl familiar for Pit similar to Navi, a tsundere nymph and a "Greekaboo" sphynx girl who were friendly enemies that chased him throughout the game, Palutena was more like warrior Athena and not at all how she is now, every god had some role in the story, and it just sounded so cool in my head...

I don't hate what Kid Icarus became and I'm happy it was revived. The writing was good and gameplay was top notch. But I do find it weird though to think of it now as being this anime style universe aimed at weeaboos and tweens, full of in jokes, that has polluted the Smash Brothers series with a shitload of content. I just didn't think that's what Kid Icarus would have become.

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All characters look better as girls, unless your a FAG and you think men look better than women.

Are you that retard who switch from gglaterdudez whore pic to this?

is that britannyventi

fuck off simp

cool man

Slippy Toad would've benefited a lot from being a girl
>looked better as a girl
>sounded better as one
>Slippy's personality would've been way more forgivable
>Fem Slippy would make Krystal's romance garbage with Fox obsolete because you already have two characters from the original team who are childhood best friends. Letting them hook up is only a matter of time.

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Gay, now Sub Zero is the man and he fuck the evil out of Scorpion with his cryomancer cock and she turns good. Now that’s kino

>off model peach transformation
>out of character bowser
Jokes on them desu

>only result found is this post
bro, your meds, refill them

If Sub-Zero gave Scorpion his popsicle, would that be considered Friendship?

>polluted the Smash Brothers series
It just has the easiest assets to recycle, you melodramatic faggot.

Nintendo should of hired this man.

OP's pic uncensored

ibb dot co/qgy8Vyh