Is best girl

>is best girl
The others can't even compete.

Attached: Futaba-Sakura-Figma-6.jpg (800x1000, 37.36K)

I love Futaba!

Attached: 1554247578591.jpg (4093x2894, 1.2M)

All keksona's girls are shit

Attached: 1571788327973.jpg (195x249, 8.22K)

>best girl


true best girl coming through

Attached: 1583975788633.jpg (1932x2048, 282.14K)

Imagine the smell of her stinky NEET butt

>tried to play the game without romancing her.
>ended up romancing her for the 5th time.
>will do it again

Attached: sakura_futaba__2016__by_tiltedcube-da1yv4i.jpg (1024x1280, 1.12M)

If shes so great then where are the lewds?

This is your hourly reminder that Futaba dyes her hair orange; it's naturally black.

Attached: imporvement.png (1600x1600, 600.15K)

She's 15

Where does this info come from anywho.


Attached: 777.png (914x918, 1023.85K)

Design documents.
Apparently, they felt like giving her black hair would make her too much of a hikikomori stereotype. And they wanted to express her spur of the moment nature such that she'd just dye her hair orange on a whim suddenly because she felt like it.

She probably smells bad.

I like Haru a lot, I didn't go for her, but it was close. I wish she had a cooler looking follow-up attack animation though, she probably has the most boring looking one in the game.

Attached: Skull-face-profile.png (1100x1080, 1.09M)

I thought you guys hated pic related precisely for being perfect

Attached: B120F4E3-E39C-4F84-98E8-2CD5C9620918.jpg (397x771, 32.29K)

Chie also dyes her hair.


Attached: 6d32BicC1OVAhtFoWZBqR50nu_ONrt96cAAO_XADRSM.jpg (4032x2268, 1000.19K)

I wanna fug futaba

Whats that got to do with the price of tea in china?

Gelbooru, pixiv etc

Japanese people can have naturally brown hair, user

Attached: 4afd77eecd018481f178e67862c0d181.png (680x599, 301.04K)

Posting the actual best girl

Attached: 7fafb29926c874cc856a491243ad2ae8.jpg (995x1280, 117.8K)

She can, but she dyes hers, I don't know what color it is naturally though.

I like Makoto.

I legit thought one of the twists at the end would be Igor giving mona a human form as a reward and it turning out hes a girl

There's one way to find out

Attached: 1575133571912.png (763x679, 36.65K)

>girl name
>girl voice
It would have made sense

I would force Futaba to take a shower, and then get in with her and fuck her.

tfw newfags don't understand the significance of the name Futaba being the NEET computer whiz.

She's literally a reference to imageboard culture. She's a rule 63 of Anonymous and the Japanese equivalent.


Attached: 1561725222595.webm (800x800, 1.81M)

Imagine having such a terrible taste. How do you live with yourself OP?


Attached: grownupfutaba.png (369x409, 124.11K)