>is best girl
The others can't even compete.
Is best girl
I love Futaba!
All keksona's girls are shit
>best girl
true best girl coming through
Imagine the smell of her stinky NEET butt
>tried to play the game without romancing her.
>ended up romancing her for the 5th time.
>will do it again
If shes so great then where are the lewds?
This is your hourly reminder that Futaba dyes her hair orange; it's naturally black.
She's 15
Where does this info come from anywho.
Design documents.
Apparently, they felt like giving her black hair would make her too much of a hikikomori stereotype. And they wanted to express her spur of the moment nature such that she'd just dye her hair orange on a whim suddenly because she felt like it.
She probably smells bad.
I like Haru a lot, I didn't go for her, but it was close. I wish she had a cooler looking follow-up attack animation though, she probably has the most boring looking one in the game.
I thought you guys hated pic related precisely for being perfect
Chie also dyes her hair.
I wanna fug futaba
Whats that got to do with the price of tea in china?
Gelbooru, pixiv etc
Japanese people can have naturally brown hair, user
Posting the actual best girl
She can, but she dyes hers, I don't know what color it is naturally though.
I like Makoto.
I legit thought one of the twists at the end would be Igor giving mona a human form as a reward and it turning out hes a girl
There's one way to find out
>girl name
>girl voice
It would have made sense
I would force Futaba to take a shower, and then get in with her and fuck her.
tfw newfags don't understand the significance of the name Futaba being the NEET computer whiz.
She's literally a reference to imageboard culture. She's a rule 63 of Anonymous and the Japanese equivalent.
Imagine having such a terrible taste. How do you live with yourself OP?