This game is 20 years old. say something nice about it

this game is 20 years old. say something nice about it

Attached: perfect dark.jpg (225x225, 11.33K)

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i dont need to
its still better than any FPS on the market except timesplitters 2
sadly doak retired and the team disbanded

Playing multiplayersplit screen with bots was fucking amazing

Some of the bots were so retarded though, like the turtle or tortoise bot that just wentd backwards everywhere while crouched.

I preferred goldeneye
what did you jam out to in multiplayer?


you can play 4 player split screen + 8 bots + high-res mode without the n64 exploding

Attached: perfect-dark-multi.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

>magsec 4 fags

men of taste used the falcon 2 (s)

>hd held hostage on xbox

>no PC port of HD ever

like why the fuck cant it be on steam?

yea thats nice but the XBLA version was a nice overhaul

Great music.

Attached: perfect-dark-n64-1.jpg (540x432, 39.53K)

I honestly have no idea why they would keep it locked away like that. It's not like they're using it as a selling point for the console.

I love Joanna, and I still play it on pc from time to time

i have nothing good to say about it
N64 version runs like ass
PC port controls like slimy goo
Xbox 360 port is absolutely soulless

this game needs 1 good port fucking hell
I haven't played it since 2000s because every port available sucks balls and im not willing to upgrade my PC just to get an angrylion emulator running on my PC

who the hell are you?

switch this thread off, now!

>N64 version runs like ass
framerate prima donnas ought to be given a virus

The ending sucked

Oh, man. The memories. PD had so many different sims.

>me and friend
>combat simulator
>put kill limit to the max
>us vs the sims
>1 pick 4 weapons
>friend picks 4 weapons
>see who can ge to the kill limit first

I used to ride my bike across town to play this at my friends house.

It was even better with a free-for-all. It was always a game of strategy if you focused on mudering the bots or killing the other player to slow them down. Top tier game mode.

2nd best FPS of all time, behind Timesplitters 2.

What the fuck happened to goofy FPS games with literally hundreds of unlockable weapons, maps, characters, gamemodes, and extensive customization (not just appearance but in terms of game mechanics) of all of the above? Is it just the rise of DLC that incentivized devs to stop adding the type of content that made these games so good?

Something nice about it.

How did ANYONE put up with those controls and framerate?

I bought PD at launch 20 years ago today and still consider it better than any FPS released since, shitty frame rate and all (though I admit that these days I play the XBox remaster). The multiplayer with it's bots alone were worthy of the purchase, far as I'm concerned.

Though, yeah, Timesplitters 2 (and even 3) give it a solid run for it's money, I'll admit.

Can't wait for the reboot!!!

Attached: d93281e2ecf72d958bc9f1188c6d8977.jpg (838x966, 122.28K)

the 2010 version is among the most faithful and soulful remasters and you should play it

I've often wondered the same thing. Guess developers felt that they could throw together a half-assed single player campaign and focus on the online multiplayer, hoping that it'll take off and sell millions of copies and not just fizzle after a month or two.

A real shame, if you ask me.

from an outsider's perspective, it seems like now is an appropriate time for a PD reboot, with single-player centric shit like doom and wolfenstein and even TLOU / God of War doing really well.

don't get me wrong, i generally want old good franchises to be left alone, but if they're gonna do it now is the time.

Music was very high quality for an N64 game, and the multiplayer was endlessly fun.

Attached: Nothing personnel.jpg (610x343, 55.09K)

by gitting fucking gud

>Hub world is attacked
>Remixed action packed remix of hub music

Perfect Dark was fucking Kino

Why git gud when I could git a PC and play a better FPS around the same time?