Trials of Mana

this woman

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the fangs on this woman

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forced meme, shill thread, shit game

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Does picking light or dark effect the game in anyway (besides gameplay)? I'm about to start and unsure how to build my starting 3

Riesz/Hawkeye get the best final dungeon and final boss.

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the path you choose does not change the story but that would have been cool though

Thanks! Is there anything useful gameplay-wise to know you can tell me?

Everyone has the same final dungeon dumbfuck. Dark Castle etc is the 2nd to last one.

You can reset your training points pretty easily so don't stress too much about that.
Any shortcomings with your squad can be made up for with items so you can freely pick the paths you like the most.

>being this autistic and counting Sanctuary of Mana as a dungeon

Is Light Hawkeye trolling? I'm about to finish up my Kevin/Charlotte run today and wanted to do Angela/Hawkeye/Riesz for the final run

go for it, angela could always hard carry anyway

Is there anything else to do in the end-game if I already beat Anise, did all the time challenges and beat Black Rabite? It's a shame they didn't make the final dungeon randomly generated, going up to level 99 or something.

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the woman of this curvaceousness

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Got curves
and convinced me to get the game

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Ass too big

das it mane

what about her hips and thighs?

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Hips/thighs >>> everything else

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You have multiple ffvii threads to choose from faggot.

Rogue Hawkeye is the bees knees if you support him

i did it! i technically beat the game (did not do post game stuff yet). Its been years since ive bothered to finish a game

Congratulations user!

now you get to fuck anus

beat it once with angela/duran/reisz, thinking of what my next playthrough should be. really want to keep angela so there's some sexy in my party, so i guess she'll be the 3rd. go for hawkeye to get the belladonna fight, or kevin for beast mode?

Attached: duran slapping that ass.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Just played through it and beat the game a second time. Dark Castle was MUCH better than Dragonsmaw.

What's on the top floor? I never found a way up there, it's blank on the map. Is it the Black Rabite arena? Class 4 quest?

>Hawkeye dead on the ground talking shit, while Duran spanks ass and Riesz waits her turn


Is the best party. Hands down.

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Any good lewd mods involving Riesz or Angela that is not on nexus?

What's his endgwame?