Only been out 3 days

>Only been out 3 days
>Only 14 people bothered to review it
>Already forgotten on Zig Forums
What went wrong wonderful bros?

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Waiting for it on bongland steam

After my experience with Devil May Cry 1 I decided to not bother with any Kamiya-directed game due to forced Space Harrier segment.

It appears game hasn't come out in majority of the world, or Europe at the very least

That will save it, I’m sure

Covid 19 fucked up everything. Physical is not out for another month and all planned marketing got fucked.

I put my review as not-recommended but I should probably change it. On the other hand, this is the only way I can troll Kamiya.

Attached: OPISAFAG.jpg (333x311, 54.98K)

I suck at this game.

They scammed 2 million from fans anyway

No marketing

Why did OP feel the need to lie bros?

>It appears game hasn't come out in majority of the world, or Europe at the very least

It's out on PS4 atleast.


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People actually do Steam reviews? I thought people only do it for badges, holiday event, and review bombing.

Not everywhere also.

PC gamers don’t actually want these games, they complain for years about not having them than when they do arrive on PC they don’t buy them

They never cared, just wanted to look as though they were fans of these lesser known titles, they go back to playing league or watching twitch.

PC gamers don’t actually play video games


>give people a product they want
>heh oldest scam in the book

Silence falseflaggot.
Anyway I need help on something I'm just not getting about a bossfight. I'm fighting the robot that tries to tip the ogretoe super reactor into the lava while you ride it, what the fuck am I meant to do when he throws rocks at you? I just take every hit and it seems like there's nowhere to avoid them or destroy them.
What am I missing?

the steam version sold less than 1,000 units so far. This is a disaster.

Attached: yikes.png (960x583, 312K)

no one wants piiu games
not even the consoles owners, they only like bing bing whahoo, zelda and pokemon

Nah, most games have thousands to tens of thousands of reviews and they're usually full essays detailing everything. I'm glad the Steam community is as autistic as it is.

How do you scam someone when you gave them what you promise? If you are talking about lack of patches then that's also on the pandemic given that a lot of the platinum team is probably working from home and aren't used to it.

It legit is 59 reviews though.

Next time Zig Forums asks why publishers spent so much money on marketing show they this picture. A game could be amazing and sell like shit or a game could be shit and sell amazing, all based on marketing.

Why do you NIGGER FAGGOTS even care about how many people play or review a fucking single player game?
Did you like playing it? Did you have fun? Then why the fuck do you care if it "wins" some stupid fucking sales battle or whatever you stupid fucking redditors.
If you care about this you simply do not like videogames and you're just a fucking loser who probably just doesn't have any other kind of social group that will accept him and has to force this stupid "scene" shit to feel like you belong to something relevant.
Kill yourselves fucking redditor virgins

I applaud your dedication and autism to fight this game wonderful user, never give up.

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it made way more on the kickstarter, that alone made it a sucess

Because then said team or director can't make more games if they sell like shit you stupid fucking cumskin.

what's the best platform to play this on??
looking for unbiased opinions because I know it has Wii mechanics, so I figured switch with the (shitty) gyroscope would be best

But they already sold 33k to backers alone and some of that was for 10x the price of a game. Only 9k went for digital release.
They could sell 0 copies and still profit.

Unavailable in most of the world because reasons.

As someone playing the game I paid for I feel incredibly scammed. How could they do this to me?

true, seems like hype from kickstarter is more important. But if all those people backed the game, why aren't they playing it?

It doesn't have Wii mechanics you dunkass, and the answer is PC like usual even though you clearly don't want it to be.

PC because of performance but axtually it's WiiU

don't you have to draw your weapons or some shit?
wasn't it originally a wii game?

I put 20 hours into it and have a few more playthroughs, but it's the sort of game I want to dedicate an afternoon to, so I've only played it on weekends so far.

You can hit them, but you should also be able to dodge them

yeah I a guess I should've specified I've never owned a WiiU, I have a PC, PS4 and Switch

It's shit and only going to sell 101 copies - AGAIN

>Already forgotten on Zig Forums
>There's been multiple comfy threads every day for the past 2 weeks where people actually discuss the game because there's so much depth to talk about

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lol I can't even find the game on steam.

consider all the other people whining about digital version being too demanding for their toasters

Admittedly too hard for me as someone who's never played it due to prior console exclusivity on top of being generally shit at action games that punish you for doing what works. I threw money IMMEDIATELY, but I can't play it without failing over and over. Personally, I'm shit and want to have fun instead of stress.

Is it possible after getting hit once or are you doomed to wombo comboing after that? As far as I can tell spring and gun don't seem to do it.

Because backers already got to play it 2 weeks ago and the stats only start from the 20th.

I'm glad Kamiya got BTFO. Eat that hack, block me on twitter now LMAO.

There aren't any waggle mechanics. PC has the best performance, even on potato computers. There are three PC-only glitches caused by resolutions above 1080p (one camera glitch on a boss fight and two aiming reticle glitches at big setpiece moments) however, so if you do pick it up on PC make sure to change your resolution to 1080p.

Blocked in most of the world. This is why there's no sales or reviews.

Switch is probably the worst platform because of the port job
Drawing with the stick is also way faster than drawing with the gyroscope or touchscreen