Dark souls 3 cut content demonstrate how the game is a streamlined soulless mess, From didn't even tried to give it SOUL.
The watered down sequel
>cut content
what content did they cut?
Time of day system, time travel, bonfire creation, a new "cult sacrifice" system to replace the old covenant system, etc
How do people know if this content was cut or if it were just ideas and promises that never came to be in-game mechanics? curious
There are still vestiges of them in the game files, some of which are able to be partially restored. Look at Lance McDonald's videos.
>, a new "cult sacrifice" system to replace the old covenant system, etc
Okay, what exactly is this and why should I care if it gets cut?
Because instead of those we've got shitty covenants of wihch only half work.
Its true, everything after DeS and DaS is watered down. Maybe with the exception of BB.
Just want to give a shout out to the guy who answered my question about DaS2 and whether I should upgrade to SotFS.
SotFS honestly even just runs better and has been a lot more entertaining.
All the Soulsborne games have cut content. Especially Bloodborne.
Thanks his videos are pretty cool. Still though I don't really understand being upset about cut content. Yeah it sucks but a lot of games have cut content, it's just not something that occupies my mind anymore especially after playing a game so many times and realizing how much better it could have been if it were complete. Been there done that, leads to nowhere but even more disappointment.
That's nothing new all Souls games have those "cut contents". And the grass is always greener on the other side, even if they were added, you'd bitch about them regardless if you don't like the game itself.
Yes but at least they retained some cool features and mechanics and had SOUL. In DS3 they cut out everything that was fun and interesting.
Threadly reminder
BB = DS3 > DS1 = DS2 > DeS = Sekiro
How come DS3 retained pretty much ALL the good features from DS1 and DS2, but those are good and it sucks, because it dropped some gay time of day system involving skyboxes and bonfire creation which sounds shitty
soul is a meaningless buzzword
I don't even know what this is and if it would necessarily be better though.
He's got a point on this one, the covenant either suck or are just broken.
Watchdogs of Farron make you spawn as an invader in the swamps against other players, and the game's summoning system gives you a range of 20 levels around yours in which you can be summoned, considering no player spends that much time in the swamps, it really is a shitty covenant. Blue spirit covenants are three iterations of the same fucking thing. Mound makers and the Aldrich have the exact same summoning/invasion system.
Should have been better or different imo.
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Every Fromsoft game has lots of cut content you spazoid.
Lads, I love the Soulsborne games.
>tfw they just gave up on the gravelord/rat covenant
They still haven't gotten it right but it's such a good idea, they really should return to it.
Which covenants don't work? Also, low population leading to infrequent summoning =/= not working
Not every idea talked about during a game's creation is worth working on. You'd understand that if you would think about it instead of just whining.
No soul, only dark.
I think this game is brilliant when it comes to 1vX pvp, people kiting have an advantage with poise and initiative allowing them to control the fight vs people chasing.
No other game offers this good 1vX pvp and this is why I absolutely love it. Unlimited challenge in dancing around different combinations of weapons/spells and timing those sweet parrys/backstabs bringing down large groups of players and receiving salt, that's what it's all about.
old promo/journalist pics and vids show some of these and game files they left in
>Dance was an NPC that helped you
>Gundyr was a late game boss in an arena os spectral swords that used to be players he killed and he could use then in attacks
>Yorm was the boss in Ash cemetery and he would rise from the giant coffin there like in the trailer
>Soul of Cinder was the real final boss and he would open the area to the REAL boss fight, the faggot serpents that caused all of Dark Souls™ to happen
What we got was garbage compared to what could have been
>Soul of Cinder wasnt the final boss
jesus im blind today
There's a pic (some user here definitely has it) detailing the massive changes in the game that occurred shortly before release. It wouldn't have fixed the issues with combat/poise/etc., but it would have been a much cooler game
this is it
there's another version with more added on the bottom but there's nothing backing it up unlike the visible pre-release stuff and the cut content that can still be found in the alpha build
>REAL boss fight, the faggot serpents that caused all of Dark Souls™ to happen
Man this would probably redeem the whole game, Soul of Cinder made no sense.
Could you please use a different word than soul? It's getting hard to argue with regarding the game.
>Time of day system, time travel,
sounds amazing. i hope they work on it for elden ring.
nice, thanks
yeah, sadly there isnt much but straws and rumors at this point
i remember old concept art from the company that worked on it, and just like concept art in every game ever made, it looked better than what we got and 70 % wasnt even used, i know its hard to implement artistic vison into a 3D space but it still sucks man...