You will be buying them when they come out, right user?
You will be buying them when they come out, right user?
But I've played all 3 already. I've bought every game from 12.8 to 15 so far though.
Why when I already physically own them?
I thought ZUN lost the files to the earlier games?
Can you post pics of the manuals?
Cool. I love MoF but own it and UFO physical sealed.
Fuck you gaben you lazy piece of shit. Not getting 30% of my game purchases when I can avoid it.
>has sanae in it
Hard pass, fuck that game.
SA and UFO have Sanae too
Fuck those games too. Fuck every game with Sanae in it.
Maybe, although I don't like steam, and DLsite takes takes such a huge chunk of each transaction that you might as well make a direct donation to the Elders of Zion.
It's like you have to be evil to sell games digitally, because human collective "intelligence" (in the form of the free market) have rejected all the alternatives so far.
Don't fuck SA or UFO. Sanae is entirely optional in the latter, and fuck SA extra anyway.
My wife is a pretty cool bully.
Don't mind me, just seeing if my webm works
how about she gives me ashikoki instead
fuck no
I also liked this part of the PV very much.
If I cared for Mima, I'd be very happy today. I hope she gets introduced in Cheating detective Satori so that non-PC98 people like me will get the appeal of Mima.
>the shit continue system trilogy
>will cost the same as or more than a legit physical copy
I dunno man
>buying free games
what are you gay
Meh, i download them from the old websides. Fuck Steam.
Fuck Epic Store.
Thanks, user. Still trying to toy around with the quality of these a bit, so have another.
Post 'em
Imagine here a randomly generated post calling you based or cringe depending on which meme characters you selected on to the top and bottom of the list
Where did the Taoists hurt you?
I didn't even notice that, wow
>Buy Touhou games
Fuck ZUN
Fuck Reimu
Piratechad all the away
This user gets it
>Kogasa last
Sorry, I need to call out your shit taste
mima has a kid?
Piratefags truly are the vegans of vidya
>going out of your way to lose money for something free
It's あっち then こっち, not あこ
organized by how often I coom to their doujins
>Supporting the creator of something I like? Nah, I'm too much of a nigger for that
Thanks, I was hoping you'd do this one as well. Her expression there is very "ghost like" and I love it. Maybe rotate it 90 degrees?
I don't know, but I would have one with her.
Huh, I didn't even notice the fact that the full あっち and こっち were in the background until now, probably due to こっち being flipped.
Yeah sounds about right.
Pretty good, although I don't get the appeal of Suwako. Her song is great, though.
Fuck the Buddhist
Mountain of Faith is shit. Literally worse than UFO.
This man understands. Sanae ruins everything.
>Dress up nicely with a flower in front of your eye and everything
>Still crying
Did Marisa reject her, or what happened?
>Mayumi in top 25.
Why? What's her appeal, except being Keiki's Youmu?
Point at him.
Point at him and laugh.