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Play LWA : Chamber Of Time
Elijah Morgan
Gabriel Thomas
love everything about this game except the combat
Mason Martin
Alexander Cooper
if I enjoyed the show will I enjoy the game?
Camden Rodriguez
There’s a Little Witch Academia game? Can I play as Sauce or whatever the fuck her name is?
Chase Gutierrez
Do i need to have watched the show or can i just enjoy the cute witches regardless
Kevin Garcia
Bought for Amanda and have no regrets
Kayden Sanders
hate everything about this game except the porn based of the game models
Jack Brown
I did, I hated the combat, why couldn't they have just made a turn based game. Still loved it cause LWA was great
Noah Cox
Already did.
Jayden Clark
Christopher Wright
Carson Nelson
Fuck the hell off. Don't post lewd LWA here.
Aaron Richardson
Jose Bell
Aaron Perez
Mason Green
Roger that
Carter Howard
Skip everything except the OVA.
TV was a mistake.
Eli Howard
he should at least watch the Sucy dream episode
Alexander Powell
I bought it, but I haven't gotten around to playing it, yet.
I've been very busy.
Gavin Sanchez
akko cute
Chase Taylor
What was wrong with the TV series?
Chase Sullivan
Too much Akko
Some problematic character personality changes
Major pacing issues on Cour 2
Weak writing especially on Cour 2
Jayden Sanders
>too much protagonist
stop reading here, imagine being this retarded
Nolan Garcia
Same here, it's just been sitting in my Steam library for a while now
Cameron Foster
Its fine if the "protagonist" isnt stupidly annoying for 90% of the time
Landon James
>Yandex give me 0 results
come on user, share it
Xavier Lopez
Akko's entire personality is that's she's kind of stupid but makes up for it with spirit, what are you on
Connor Collins
Airhead MC is basically par for the course with Gainax. I thought the writing was quite strong. It was a kid's show so of course nothing was ever too serious, but the consistent theme of tradition vs progress was interesting enough for me to like the show. Also the metaphor of magic being a stand in for animation, and croix representing soulles 3DCG garbage was quite genius.
Matthew Bennett
>Too much Akko
Owen Gonzalez
>Too much Akko
Angel Johnson
That being said Diana's integration into the main plot close to the end was clumsy and too fast. I get that they were meant to be foils from the day they saw the chiny chariot performance but it could have been handled better. Other episodes like the one about the dragon stock market trader were downright unecessary and bizarre from a writing standpoint.
Joseph Young
I dont like Akko on the TV LWA. Its even worse than OVA2 Akko.
OVA1 & Teri Terio Akko is still the best.
Hudson Anderson
show needed more ursula
Jacob Edwards
>kid's show
An artist who drawn most hardcore hentai doujins draw the LWA manga
Kayden Hall
she stupidly adorable tho
the real problem with the TV series is that it feels rushed for the second arc,akko is basically dumb and can't do magic well in one episode and in the next the dominates the animal transformation without problems,even if they show that she was mastering that it doesn't make sense specially for that reveal on the lastest episodes,they should make more episodes of her trying to do magic stuff instead of basically getting these shonen anime powerups of their ass
plus the male characters are pure retarded filler,the only ones that actually do something relevant are lotte's father and Chumlee, giving akko a love interest that was a filler and did literally nothing relevant was the worst thing about the show,the rest is fine
also fuck croix
Ethan Ward
Eh, so what? The themes were clearly meant for a younger audience.
Nathaniel Jones
God I wish I was that man
Nathan Harris
only game i ever pre-ordered cuz I love LWA. total waste of money
Gavin Smith
Show needed more constanze and the c crew in general
Eli Ortiz
Im a huge Dianafag.
I'll do anything to see an LWA spinoff who mains Diana. Especially if its the OVA1 personality Diana.
Nathan Myers
Is this the game where there's an underground market for pictures of Amanda crossdressing in Luna Nova?
Chase Davis
More like A-Man-Da
Jaxon Green
Go to sankaku. you can do it user.