He makes his character female

>he makes his character female

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Emma is so pretty!


>he makes his character male

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have sex

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Please tell me she has a black boyfriend

Is this a guy?

>w*st*rn w*men

I make a male character on multiplayer games but play a male character on singleplayer games because I'd rather look at as girl's ass than a man's ass

>he makes his characters cis

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She's fucking ugly though. I never understood why people simp for her. Look at that underbite and manly face? I guess that's what mutt americans think is attractive, seeing how they push traps and trannies so much.

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>he can't play any vidya without self-inserting

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u mad?

I'm from Europe!

Humans always self insert wether they want to or not. You are self inserting as a girl. Fucking tranny.

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Nice arms dyel faggot

Imagine being so far gone to think the entirety of humanity is comprised of self-insertfags like yourself. Stop running away from your life for a second and try engaging in your media without twisting it into some self-insertion fantasy.

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please don't post any of her images. I'm still FUMING that she hasn't apologized for her car

I generally make a male but in games like Code Vein or God Eater where you just can't make a character that doesn't look like an overly dressed closeted homo I just say fuck it and make a female. Just in genera,l I'd say with most anime themed games the character creator in general is such unimaginative limited choice garbage. It's damn near impossible not to make some lanky fucking gel in hair twink. And the only other option in some games is taller slightly bigger middle aged man.

That's a stock photo you braindead jogger

I might be the only one, but I basically always make cosplay characters based on other games or shows when I play an RPG.
So the ratio of male and female characters that I play as is about equal

You can avoid the truth all you want, but you know I am right. Everyone self inserts. It's just human nature. So when you play a girl, you are self inserting as a girl. You are presenting yourself to other men as a girl. You want to BE that girl and service men. Disgusting sissy tranny.

>he says this while having a picture of an obese unkempt male saved to his hard drive
I knew ESL lacked a hint of irony, but this is just bad.

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Shes a bong thats why shes ugly lmao

>he can't look at a girl protag without picturing himself servicing men

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>wanting to look at a man's ass instead of a woman's ass for 20-40hrs

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>Everyone self inserts

I don't like myself enough to self insert on any level. I usually try to make characters based on archetypes I admire. That's about as close as it gets. Playing games for me is kind of about having control over someone else. I think that's part of the reason I don't like first person games that much.

I do NOT play girl characters, as I am a sane normal man who does not want to present himself to other men as a girl. You on the other hand? Fucking tranny.

I make my characters dickgirls.

Whenever a game gives me the power to do so, through mods or vanilla content, every single character I ever play is a tall woman with big tits and a round ass. I find it hilarious when people on this board say this makes me gay or a tranny, because I've fucked more women than them, and they're essentially admitting that they can't look at women without imagining themselves as said women sucking men off. It's like when someone says pictures of monkeys are racist: You're admitting the connection exists in your own mind, it has no bearing on what's going on in mine.

>I do NOT play girl characters, as I am a sane normal man who does not want to present himself to other men as a girl. You on the other hand?
>says while posting on Zig Forums on a Emma Watson Zig Forums thread
You just outed yourself tourist.

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Only a faggot is petrified to look at another man.

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>he thinks that means anything

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Women are cute aesthetically but they’re annoying to talk to irl desu senpai.

I make female characters because I enjoy sucking cock, what's wrong with that?

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You think gay guys are scared to look at men? Surely you can see how insane this is as you type it? Surely you recognise that gay guys are going to play as men any time they're given the chance?

>he wants to be female
god I wish

Good thing she has a car since she's about to hit the wall

Closet gays are. Which is the majority of the people who use the "I don't wanna stare at a man's ass" phrase.
Why the fuck would you be staring at it anyway?

You are basically retarded if you think the majority people who ogle their female characters to the point where they can't understand playing as a man are gay lmfao. It's not 1976 bro, people in first world countries come out of the closet at like 14 now

Reddit literally asked gay people what they play as, and they all said men.

I like how you have no proper rebuttal so you're just gonna spout some bullshit about this being a Zig Forums thread. hahahaah. Whatever dude. Just admit you lost dude. Come on.
You play girl characters as a man, and that's not normal. Now that you have been blown the fuck out by a normal healthy individual who does not want to represent themselves as a GIRL in a video game to other MEN, you crawl back into this...."argument"
Fucking cope dude. You lost.

>he stares at his character's ass during gameplay
hah gay

is there anything fappable of her?

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