Do you prefer western or eastern games?

Do you prefer western or eastern games?

Attached: west vs east.jpg (975x538, 103.06K)

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Eastern, because Japan is the best country


I prefer good games

I prefer Tifa

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I'm not white, so I don't need to shill for western games, so eastern.

Therefore nip games.

Western because they usually are not a turn per turn boring shitfest.


>turn per turn
Agree, I can't stand DMC and Super Mario.

Eastern, only leftist wh*toids like western garbage

After the end of World War II
The world was split into two -- East and West
This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War

Attached: MGS 3.jpg (1920x1080, 2.03M)

>turn per turn boring shitfest
Are you sure? One of my favorite single-player games ever was knights of the old republic... western turn based

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>be immersed in a deep story with excellent music, art, and gameplay
>play generic online pvp grindfest #81237 for countless angry hours until you are a soulless husk of depression and rage
gee tough call


Western. I hate ching chongs and hapas and wish they all fucking die.

"Haha the land of pedophilia and suicide haha so funnehhh le anime haha i wish i lived in japan so i could run like naruto without being judged hahaaaa bakaaa!"

Ugh, I wish weeabos would die.


Why is Japan so perfect bros

i can play both without crying on Zig Forums about one game i dont like

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Eastern games have easier girls to look at.

I prefer good games.

Both combined.

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What would it feel like if I poked her abs?

Rent free

probably death, she wouldn't let you live

Man face. Literally a tranny, even wears a choker.

Fucking pathetic user


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What? She wouldn't kill me for a... little playfulness... Would she?

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I don't prefer either. I play games from both. However, I end up playing 10x more games from Japan because they make more good games. I attribute that to Japan not being bogged down by social politics and ideology. And Japan is far more open to trying unique things.

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. . .

Why are we pretending fictional school girl acting characters will "kill real human males"?

She's a woman user. she tries to kick you, she won't do shit. You punch her and with that single punch she's KO and you can rape her.

why dont you post a game next time retard

nice meme

>lol rape

Attached: 5c4.gif (410x230, 1.93M)

good one.

All women need to be killed and raped. Dykes twice as raped so they end up addicted to dick before being killed. And ugly girls just killed, no rape. You don't wanna give em the pleasure.

I don't play western games, they're for fags

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Japs make good games when they're not weebshit. West makes good games when they're not SJWshit. You'd have to be a faggot to pick one side.

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Eastern is for the mentally ill anime people
Western is based

i think if you see troons everywhere it might be something about you.

Go back

>he doesnt like turn based rpgs
Imagine being retarded AND having shit taste.

R3make was a flop, Claire confirmed for best girl

I play games from both, but I prefer eastern because their output has been much better this gen in the genres I actually like.
FPS outside of milsims have been dogshit this gen, western RPGs have largely been shit, western MP games that aren't smaller PC MP games with community servers have been shit, and I hate this garbage open world AssCreed/BamHam/Far Cry clone that every major western game has been congealing into recently.
Meanwhile Japs still put out some decent beat em ups and the like (though SoR 4 was pretty fun and that was made by Frenchies), and their actions games are still damn good (with the added benefit that a lot more of them are on my preferred platform nowadays).

how can you lack so much awareness about your own incel bitterness


you ok user?

Attached: wtf].jpg (720x405, 19.22K)

define mentally ill

Would you a Tifa?

good and correct answer wasted on a shitty bait thread

Considering she rapes Godzilla it’s more likely that she would rape me.

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Eastern games

>Playing anything but weebshit
The current state of Zig Forums(nel)

Yes, weebshit.

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I'll take 3 thanks

Western... Eastern... doesn't matter, I simply stopped playing anything that came out after 2005

this is the best shit ever

Funniest shit I've ever seen

>A whole party of Tifas.

Western because I like shooty bang bangs

Western, I find almost everything that comes from Japan to be insanely cringe. Anime is trash and they stopped innovating in storytelling about 20 years ago. My friend was about to complete a JRPG the other day and I jokingly said that he was definitely going to kill god and there was a 50% chance of him becoming god afterwards, and then both happened.

Also, as graphics are getting better, their female designs are starting to look worse. Tifa for example has weird facial proportions which make her look like a disturbing porcelain doll from a horror film and only a person whose brain is fried from years of anime could think she looks good.