Chris Hansen is coming to make you take a seat.
Only the last video game character you played as can save you.
How fucked are you?
Chris Hansen is coming to make you take a seat
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Why would Chris Hansen ask me to take a seat?
Factorio man? I think Chris is fucked
these girls
>Phoenix Wright
I'm going to be fine, right?
he's begging you for cash, it's hard times for old hansen
ill be fine
What? No way.
>Chris Hansen is coming to make you take a seat.
Why would he be arriving to do that? Isn't the whole point of the schtick I go to where he is expecting underage pussy and get him instead?
>Persona 5
....I hope to god he has some kind of palace
Do I have to make you shoot yourself too?
Either dworf fortress or evenicle, dunno who is worse
Mercy or Lucio hmmm
>Prince of Persia cell shaded
I think he'd be a pretty good lad about it and help me get away.
Oh I know who you are, Chris Hanson, but see I calls you Chris Handsome.
>The Arisen
Eh, he has problems with the law too
>my dragon's dogma character
look it's not what you think I can explain
because he's coming to entrap you
Stocke with white historia would save me very easily
One of us will be needing an adult after this...
She can explain to him its a zombie apocalypse outside and she wouldn't be entirely wrong.
Then I can get back to the daily grind of trying to be Terraria on Expert Mode while dealing with that shitlord Skeletron, who keeps fucking me up while those two hash things out
I'm safe. She's 21 and loves to fight.
i'll be okay. until chris hansen is krump'd. then i'd be next.
Moze. I’m fine.
Plus Chris Hansen is probably a pedo like everyone else in his circles.
Johnny like little girls too
he'll back me up
What's his deal? Is he like a celebrity cop or something? All I know is the paedo meme.