Can we all agree that MK8 >>>>> CTR?
Can we all agree that MK8 >>>>> CTR?
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I voted for Sonic because I'm a contrarian.
i'd vote for sonic transformed
not tsr
I haven't played the new CTR, but MK8 is shit so it will never get my vote.
Both games suck
Pic related is the REAL kart racing experience
Well yeah. Imagine playing a 30fps racing game. MK8 is one of the best in the series but they really should have made a new game for the switch desu
The only thing mk8 has over ctr is a more stable online experience.
>let me present this poll with a bias
>everyone votes against OPs blatant bias
>team sonic racing
This is a fucking poorly made bait thread at best
>you're not allowed to have an opinion
Okay retard.
CTR because it’s all the fun of Mario kart tour but it’s 60 bucks plus battle pass instead of free plus battle pass.
Either way I’m purchasing with my dick because girl crash has color variants and how can I not spend money on coom
Diddy Kong Racing is the best kart racer ever, don't @ me.
Never even grew up with the orange failure but CTR is one of the best kart racers I've played.
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart > CTR > MK8 > Team Sonic Racing
>CTR tracks are made for going FAST
>MK8 has tacked on fast mode on maps not made with that max speed in mind resulting in constant wall hits
CTR is the better racer of the two, but CTR has microtansactions so you are fucked either way.
You really think the majority of Zig Forums posters are sincere In the year of our lord, and yet you’re calling me the retard
The real question is which one has the better online or all of them are equally terrible in that regard?
based kartbros
Bruh you can prefer other games but saying CTR sucks is disingenuous as hell
MK is so mechanically boring that I don't know how people can play more than a few races
CTR needs a new game without fucked level terrain and physics. The racing is godlike but man they fucked the levels. I've had to memorize tiny spots to avoid or else you'll bump into a pixel that halts you completely. The items fucking suck too and are no fun for anyone. Not saying get rid of them just make them fun to use or dodge.
Will would rather play CTR over MK. MK is easier to bust out at parties unfortunately.
i really dont know what the fuck people see in ctr
the handling is pretty cool conceptually, but the mechanics and physics are overall terrible. the items are dogshit and the boost is autism bait. the mediocre maps dont help this
also, mk8 has it fucking destroyed when it comes to online (somehow), music, graphics, etc. just overall presentation.
the only thing ctr has is singleplayer content (in a fucking kart racer. who cares) and a somewhat better roster (though i personally hate crash character designs, especially since nsane trilogy. just trying to be fair) this is me being
is it just furries that like the game?
id argue mk but mk is far from the best it could be
LMAO nice thread faggot
>the boost is autism bait
Nigger if you hate boosting systems then you're playing the wrong fucking genre. Arcade racers are at their best when you can drive fast and continue to go fast using the game's boost systems. If you want a game with a baby-mode boost system, stay in mario kart because they're going to keep removing everything that makes going fast fun. The more unrealistic the controls/physics and the more attention/input that the player gets, the better the game feels to get good at
Realistic racers can't match the feel of an arcade-racers, They're entirely different genres so they aren't up for consideration.
>21 posters
>39 votes
Seems legit. Oh wait, air plane mode. Realisticly MK8 Deluxe has 14 of the 21 and sonic racing has 6, which leaves CTR at 1 vote. 1 single guy voted 39 times.
fix the online too. everything else is spot on.
>1 single guy voted 39 times
>IP duplication check activated
this is your brain in MK8
holy cope batman!
i'll have what this guy's on
Do you retard even know that you can reset your IP in 2 seconds on mobile? Oh wait, you're the one guy and probably don't want your tricks of trade to be known.
Yeah MK8 is sooo....good?
The racing truly is better in CTR but you're not wrong about most of what you said. They fucked up the physics. No race feels as smooth as it can be because of it. The levels are filled with errors and trash hitboxes. There's a lot of momentum killing jumps as well that force you into a certain trajectory. I criticize CTR more though because it has more potential. MK is stagnate and the racing is so stale. The music, presentation, and whacky items carry it. It has no room for creativity so I don't judge it as much. CTR has room for it but the levels and physics fuck it all up.
>air plane mode.
It's karts, genius, not planes.
>what are thread lurkers
wait he was actually being serious?
im not against boost stuff in racing games
i just really hate the implementation in ctr
id rather not have it or have it minimally (like in mk8) than have it be pretty fuckin bad and game ruining