Is it, dare I say?

Is it, dare I say?
The best DBZ game so far?

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>You can play as Fasha or Zangya
I'm thinkin based

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gotens base

We honestly need a HD Remake of it, which Online play
Fuck Budokai 3 HD for not having Online play

General blue


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Frieza Soldier


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kid trunks


I think not.

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It's time

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>No 3D battle game has surpassed it
>Kakarot didn't surpass LoG2 or Buus Fury and blew its budget on the first saga with each saga after feeling more rushed up until the Buu saga where it goes peak rushed. Goten is made playable for like 10 seconds for no reason other than to just talk to kid Trunks as if they planned for him to be a proper character and half of the cutscenes are just jpgs with dialogue
How did it go so wrong?
How hard is it to make a Tenkaichi 4 with more characters, better graphics and more stages? How hard is it to make Kakarot but with a bigger emphasis on exploration with the inclusion of some original stuff like LoG?


Gohan ninio

Bow the fuck down

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wakey wakey gokeks

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>fast paced
>captures the feel of a dragonball fight
>massive roster

why the fuck can't they just do this again with the new shit from super?

Very hard with Bandai running shit. They don't give a fuck about the game being good.

That's what footfags deserve.

Time to put some fags in their place

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The absolute state of 18fags.


Appule wins screencap this


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It just isn't your night.

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If gohan loses I will post a pic in here that gets me banned for 3 days. That's how mad I'll be.

>Ultimate fucking Gohan against Redditz
guaranteed wash user

A promise is a promise. Have some titties.

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Has there been a DB game with a bigger roster since?

Enter the best

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But he didn't lose.

Well maybe I just wanted an excuse to post anime tiddies.
