>Yoshida meant to filter out impatient, cutscene skippers who can't appreciate a good, narrative driven experience
Apologize to A Realm Reborn right now.

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I'll quit if the final boss of 5.3 is just fucking Zenos again or elidi "who gives a shit" bus

>Finally finish the post ARR wall
>cant bring myself to play anymore

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>just wade through 200 hours of pure garbage it gets good
hard pass

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why are xiv posters obsessed with wow

user please. Trust me. Heavensward is kino. It's a lot better than ARR.

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>it gets good after 100 hours
>it’s good if you’re invested into the story
>it’s good because you’re attached to the characters

>it’s good because you’re attached to the characters
i love my squad mate

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they filtered out all the gameplay and the only thing left is a game for coomers

back to troon

>1/14th broken halfman
>"muh experience" when that did not work for other veterans like Gaius and Nidhogg
>"i'm sad because muh daughter"
>still directly endangers said daughter
Reminder that if you defend anything about Ran'jit you are in an actual vegetative state

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Nooooooo! But he killed a lot of angels! That means he is big and strong and can somehow one hit the WoL who has killed multiple gods and stopped world ending threats at least 3 times

i hate this game's community so much.
both on Zig Forums, in game and whatever other site there is.
you only get two extremes and very few in the middle.
>uwu :) omgosh i'm so excited to play because my kids are getting taken care of with their mom and her bf. :)))))


come on, are there any fucking normal human beings in this game? also i have a feeling one of you faggots stole my jim pic. which one of you was it.

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>300 hours of bad story and gameplay and dead game just to get to 'maybe' the good part
>haha filtered :)
Yeah, filtered from a bad game.

wow for weebs



I think someone needs to get laid

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if the promotional art is any indicator, it's gonna be Crystal Exarch

show feet

>finally finishing up the ice queen Shiva plotline

How long until I can finally get into Heavensward already.

I don't want to feel burnt out until I can become Machinist/Dark Knight

I really, really hate E6S
Worst fight in Eden so far
>Only like 5 actual mechanics
>But if anyone fucks up right before anything involving tethers or air bumps it guarantees at least one more death matter how fast they rez

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no matter*

Just keep fucking going

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You're on the way. Shiva is the start of Heavensward's plot.

One dungeon and one trial to go I think
The story (and especially the post-expansion patch stories) are a lot less long winded in the future so look forward to that too I guess.

you're in 2.4. you have 1 trial left

I have been noting that characters actually emote in the beginning of Shiva quest for once. Never expected that. The characters are all stiff and wooden in almost all of Realm Reborn

Do Crystal Tower and Binding Coil before you do HW

Yeah a lot of ARR just ended up being really dry setup for characters and stuff that ends up happening a lot later, besides the blatant filler

Its going to be Sephiroth

Why did I let my coworkers convince me to move from Primal to Crystal? Everyone on this DC is either retarded or a coomer and the people who convinced me are never online anyways. Fml

>besides the blatant filler
It's a shame the trial ends on titan grocery shopping because that is the worst part of the game by far. That and having you get the wrong corrupted crystal over and over.

why cant they understand the simple concept of not using opps to attack people
why are they so retarded
like, I just don't understand where people get the confidence from to be so blatantly stupid
i played about 30 matches of RW before I even jumped in a mech because im so afraid of being the one to let the team down yet here you are just jumping into a mech without reading a description of how the game mode works and having NO anxiety at all

the last quest you can do on a trial is seeing father Illiud after the party at scion HQ