Is Zig Forums ready for samurai kino?
>confirmed challenging
>confirmed exploration with NO handholding
>multiple biomes
Whats the cope gonna be now?
Is Zig Forums ready for samurai kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bamham combat
Pass. When's Dark Souls IIII?
>Pass. When's roll simulator with gothic cathedrals number 14509?
Who else bets this was going to be a cinematic gayfest but devs got scared after Sekiro basically mogged the shit out of them and went back to the drawing board
It reeks of mass-market homogenization. I will not partake, as my tastes are quite refined and delicate.
>very challenging
>press button to win combat
uh oh sweetie
Hope exploration is great and theres lots of stuff to see and find. Fucking cant stand empty, boring open worlds.
t. guy shilling for sekiiro 0.5
>pass on good combat, give me shockwave simulator
is it written "very challenging" because it isnt?
user you know that this game is gonna flop r-right?
Is having no markers such a big "feature" now for games?
Snow biome?
>shilling for more games with a setting as interesting as sekiro's
I wasn't a shill, but now I'm fully on board.
You just pointed out the most generic shit possible.
>no handholding
Yes, that's why a fox/bird shows you LITERALLY hidden places. Nice exploration you got here.
For an open world game, yeah.
yes very challenging
for a journo
Who is this anime avatar-using Twitter faggot and why do people post his tweets all the time here?
It is for me. Map markers are literally brain numbing. They make you stop engaging with your environment and just following the dotted path.
Don't all these open world games have options to turn off markers though?
Game looks good but I'm still gonna wait for it to go on sale a month after release.
The Chad Samurai vs. The Virgin Ghost
>no marker
It's a pure console game, who actually believes this shit?
>“So, first of all, we do have difficulty,” Connell said. “If the game is too easy and you want it to be a much more challenging experience, you can take it up a notch. If you find the game is a little too hard, you can take it down. Again, this is an effort to try to get as many players as possible.”
>For “Ghost of Tsushima,” Sucker Punch hopes to lower the barrier to entry and make the title more accessible, without sacrificing a hard mode for those looking for one.
>“It can’t be so hard that you give up in the first 15 minutes,” Connell said. “That would be very frustrating for a lot of people who have a lot to gain from playing the game because they love this medium or this genre. But it also can’t be so easy that there’s no challenge to some of our biggest, most hardcore fans.”
AC Odyssey has no markers if you turn on explorer mode too. Default mode is gonna have markers guaranteed. Sony fans have an average IQ of 60.
That doesnt fix asscreed being a humongous pile of shit.
>brain hiccuped and read biomes as brothels
what a shame.
>open world BAD
>biggest open world ever made GOOD
Snoyfags at their finest.
I like them.
Why do games have to be popular? I remember when it was just nerds playing them now they're tailor made for 60iq retards
The combat they showed in the last trailer is identical of the combat back in e3 2018 before sekiro came out
>They make you stop engaging with your environment
I immediately stop engagin with the environment in 30minutes in so I can get some progress before turning the game off and do whatever I need to do with my life.
Immersion is for faggots that need escapism
Playing nu-Asscreed without markers is fucking cancer. The game is shitty enough with all the endless fetch quests and boring as shit areas.
>they're tailor
So they are tailor made for you?
Got a problem with superior architecture?
So it's going to be bamham combat for mobs and sekiro for bosses?
>no markers
Doesn't it have some shit similar to the bugs in Monster Hunter World which is basically markers?
>no markers
We've already seen the markers.
>Inb4 quest and map markers are added post launch because faggots complain
Its an optional feature though, just turn it off and boom.
>fox that guides you to shit
>bird that guides you shit
>>but they arent quest markers so its ok
We’ve been playing video games this whole time...
Oh no...