It's dead Jim

It's dead Jim.

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What a boring design.

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it always was

Make friends

There is an entire animal kingdom and they always make their fursona a fucking wolf.

Every animal in the animal kingdom except primates because furries are self hating weirdos with personality disorder lel. Monkeys I guess look a little too much like us.

>movies/tv show
>video games

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skullgirls is actually one of the fighting games i still play regularly that is populated regularly. i have to use the steam version but i'll take what i can get.

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always blue too

Oh man, good thing I didn't plan to play that game.

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>is black
>fursona is blue and mostly white
What did they mean by this

Is that real?

>game is called skullgirls
>has males in it

Monkeys are too close to niggers tbdesu

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They added SonicFox to SG?

What is this?

The ultimate redpill is knowing that beowulf and big band were originally girls.

>replaced the teacher

This Furfag replaces Mrs.Victoria on Training Stage


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>friend quitted because of this
Why does this rustle so many jimmies? I won’t even see him coz this stage is locked for me outside tutorial.


I wouldn't mind it all that much if it wasn't the blatant self insert of a scrawny tranny black guy with an obnoxious personality. Good thing I stopped giving a shit about this game long ago like everyone else should've.


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But why?

Unironic furfag here, though I think the culture is utter garbage. I just make money off them lol

Wolves aren't that bad, actually - I have way more respect for some boring brown canine with more points dumped into their clothing or body language than some snowflake species with a mess of color and horrific patterns. Shit monkeys are cool too. Drawing slice of life scenes is great fun, not your shit spe-shul OC. I always reject them in commission batches and they have no idea why, lol


lol nice blogpost furfag

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>be the absolute most based of the entire cast anyway

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I have given up on anything meaningful happening in this life myself.

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I would.

Thanks, but please don't hurt my feelings like that uwu

You're not any better and are honestly more insufferable than the regular furfags.

this is a good step forward for equality and furry awareness but it's not enough. now they just need to censor the rest of all the haram animations.

>Dear future publishers, you want to work with us because THIS is how much dedication we bring to our projects, eight whole years later. If you listen when we tell you stuff is important, pay us on time, and let us all do our jobs with minimal interference, this is the result.

Why though?

"quitted" is not a word.
Google "quitted".

I know. Sucks to see someone with impeccable taste ripping off mentally ill children.

Impressive, very nice

Is there a way to undo it?

snailbros ww@

>past tense: quitted; past participle: quitted

Please give context? I am extremely confused. Who are these characters?

Past tense of quit is quit, user

Whenever someone uses "quitted", you know they're ESL.

No lol, Skullgirls is notorious for crashing if everything doesn't line up perfectly in the files.

For some reason wolves attract the most autistic people.

if they're not a wolf they will end up looking like one
what kind of snout does every dog have? normal blocky wolf face? yeah sure. what kind of snout does a fox have? is it a slim angled one? no its a fat wolf muzzle, of course. what kind of face does a kangaroo have? a fucking wolf muzzle or course are you stupid? how about a non-mammal? do you think it wouldn't also have a generic wolf face? are you fucking sure of that you stupid dumbfuck retard because the dumbfuck furfaggots seem to all think it looks like a fucking wolf too

>Fighting game that associated with faggots like Best Friends Play also associates with faggots like MikeZ
Shocked I tell you.

Because they find them "spiritual" and shit like that

>surprised skullgirls associates with mikez

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Funny thing is, wolf snouts aren't even block-shaped.

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Damn. I don't even care about the troonfaggotry I just want them to get that stupid ass hair dye out

>Skullgirls has been receiving updates for over 8 years
>YandereSim still isn't out
Yandere bros... we got cocky

wow cool blog retard end your life

All the time, in certain contexts, or randomly?

Mine's a bunny.

id be a coconut crab those fuckers are strong as hell and feared for being so strong. also theyre cool asf

fighting games are something so great

This. Where the fuck are the Rhino/Minotaur furries?

If I self insert as a murderous alien does it count as fursona

More like dead.

Cute shell there. It would be a shame if I cracked it open with such force that I created an explosion.

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Maybe instead of spending years autistically animating shit he should've focused on making a good video game. The reason publishers don't want to work with you isn't that they don't think you pay attention to details or don't care about your fans, they won't work with you because you make shitty games

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Made me check.

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Every other match.

MikeZ played Skullgirls with Sonicfox after the award ceremony ( the one he attended and got a trophy whilst in a fur suit and made everyone uncomfortable ) so take that as you will

Attached: sonic fox.webm (1034x764, 783.96K)

I was thinking about picking up Skullgirls. I think I've changed my mind.

damn Alucard looks like THAT?

Probably ERPing as a cat in wow.

Only if you have a pic of that as your profile pic.

rhinos are bara and minotaurs follow suit, atleast thats my theory. Look at the tiger pokemon incineroar. theyres so much bara art of that thing its scary. You think gardevoir ranked firrst in pokemon porn nah its the wolf dog lucario. somthing about blue wolves gets to em man


As someone who does a lot of degenerate ERP on f-list, I can tell you minotaurs definitely exist. I'm not a furfag, there are just a lot of furfags on there.

I’d be a raccoon. I think they’re cute.

Bulls are pretty common desu

Gorillas are too cool and mantis shrimp are too scary.

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Alright, who's gonna be the one to draw Mrs. Victoria murdering SF?

they want to act like its not some inane fetish but they also want me to pretend that nearly every furry somehow has the same spirit animal or whatever retarded shit they want to hock
wheres all the bug furries? how many millions of bugs are in the animal kingdom and none of these people are a fucking dung beetle or a fly?
hell i'd sooner accept someone who walks around in a fucking rad beetle armor than any of these cereal mascot faggots that guy would be a fucking chad amongst the furry virgins

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I would never play this shitty game because it has women in it and that is gay

the background character alternates between the teacher and Sonic Fox.

>their sona doesn't have a cell wall

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Are you sure you’re not forgetting incineroar?

>skullgirls also associates with faggots like MikeZ
you had better not be pretending to be retarded user

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holy fuck lmao
never getting this shitty game

Glad I never got around to buying this.

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when will they learn

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Did Ms. Victoria seriously get replaced with Sonicfox? Is there any way to revert it?

There are 2 unfuckable ones if you're looking for that, just don't take the mask off of the horror movie one, she becomes fuckable.

I think that moths are somewhat popular