>here's your Cyberpunk game, bro
Here's your Cyberpunk game, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
I want a VR cyberpunk driving game.
All of CDPR's games are overrated.
That looks great actually much better than all the other footage I've seen
a little heavy on the kowloon city
>dude copy-paste assets and a flying car, such game
Looks pretty fucking gay desu.
That single scene of the car flying amongst other flying cars is superior to the shit hack fucking cunt bastard COCK FAGGOT game we see today.
What is with AAA games and their dreadful desaturation + fog? Shit is hideous.
OH shit I remember this. This is some nifty procedurally generated city tech demo. I forget the name of it.
Kind of cool actually.
this was a unity tech demo to demonstrate many entities moving at once and assets being streamed in without any hitching if i recall correctly. not a real game.
> AAA games
That's a random 1-day demo you tard
Yeah, and the lighting is the same every time.
The buildings look like cardboard
What game is this?
>your head
Not a game. Its a unity tech demo.
>it's another "retard thinks graphics tech demo would make a good game" episode
>It's just a BETA
user, that shit has been in literally all of their footage.
Who's footage?
>copy some current year buildings randomly into an empty scene and make them clip nonsensical into each other
>add flying cars that look like toasters and bad edits of "My first game: Car models free" where the wheels have been deleted
>make chains and streetlights stick out of walls but make sure that they are in the absolute most retarded useless spots possible
There's Aircar but it isn't that good.
itt people that unironically think this is footage from cp2077
It's not a graphics tech demo you fucking goose.
Looks absolutely incredible. It's amazing to see how far computing has advanced. Three years ago we would never see a game with that many cars or that many details for buildings. Behind every car and inside every building are people with real lives and real thoughts. I will never need to leave the house once I get my hands on this godlike game.
That's not Cyberpunk 2077...
Is that based off fifth element?
nah, the sixth sense.