SM64 Iceberg

i added some shit to this stupid iceberg because it wasn't there before
i've been looking up the shit on this iceberg for two days now and i'm hooked

Attached: SM64 Iceberg.png (1728x2148, 3.86M)

So is most of that stuff legit or is it just shitposting?

a good chunk of it is real, about 80%, some of it is exaggerated, and some of it is retarded and fake but funny

Share the forbidden knowledge of "Shifting Sand Land 9/11 predictive programming" with me, wise one.

This is the stupidest fucking meme to come out of Zig Forums this year. It's almost as obnoxious as chokeposting

come to think of it, this and chokeposting are the next evolution of scuttlebug and pachas.

Can we just let these threads take a break, just for like a day? I'm not complaining that anons are having a good time posting about vidya on the vidya board, I like a bit of Mario Loreposting and again but Jesus you fuckers are driving it into the ground. All I'm saying is let there be some cooldown time between these threads or it's gonna get labeled a general and banished for all time to the /vg/ shadow realm.

whats unagi's tunnel

It's literally one false flagging autist making all of these threads because he hates Mario lore threads for some reasons despite them having been a regular occurrence on Zig Forums for most of the board's history.

>something original comes out of Zig Forums that isnt Wojak edit #957329