This is Cristina Vee, Video game and anime voice actress and director with over 120 gaming roles. Say something nice!
This is Cristina Vee, Video game and anime voice actress and director with over 120 gaming roles. Say something nice!
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She doesn't look awful for her age.
>Cristina "Border hopper" Vee
>uses Latinx as a term unironically
Thats the makeup doing its work. IRL shes a bit too bony on the face.
>Say something nice!
I would absolutely have sex with her, but god do I hate her fucking terrible voice acting.
>fake tits and no hips
sorry, I don't play the types of games she'd voice, and I don't watch english dubs, so there's not even a chance for me to say something nice about her
i like this cover song that she sang in
>Cristina Vee
Those tits look fake but I'd love to eat them.
I wanna stretch out her belly with my bastard.
Curl Wet Suits died? What the hell? When?
/incel/ - Internet Celebrities containment board, when?
She's really good at voicing those crazy bitches.
I approve.
her shrill and undynamic performance is being given no favors by the shitty sound engineer.
fuckable milf
She should cosplay Shantae.
She looks like a younger version of a 60 year old co-worker who kept trying to fuck me
I used to see her quite often back in the day since she'd frequent every major convention and I worked with a lot of them, setting up dealer halls and such. She seemed like a genuinely nice person, loved being a part of the fandom and doing fan covers and karaoke with other con-goers. It was after she started getting big, around when she got hired to do Noel from Blazblue is when she started to completely lose her mind. I think the fame went to her head along with things like her fiance cheating on her caused her to go full e-girl mode and have online breakdowns and shit. Sad to see it happen, used to be a nice girl before becoming this plastic hole you see now.
She is cool. When Berseria came out I commented something on her twitter and she gave it a Like.
Her voice is pretty sexy, even if I always prefer jap voices in anime games.
She sounds like shit
Should kill herself to waste less air instead of doing her shitty job
Isn't that the one who lost her role in Fire Emblem because she broke her NDA with Nintendo and was fired
I didn't say she looked good. Just not completely awful.
is everything above the shoulders an oil painting?
Yes, Tara Platt is a better fit for Edelgard anyways so its not like anything of value was lost.
She voices my wife Velvet
Heres her voice
This looks like a very bloated game only coomers play
What an abhorrent creature
Is that even human? Or some sort of possessed sex doll?
Yeah I don't know shit about voice actors but it seems like a dumb thing to do and get fired for when you have that much experience
Her voice makes my dick hard, but it's a shame what she has become IRL
go back
Imagine playing a game with audio in any other language than the original
The only use of dubs is being laughter fodder for how shit they are
Damn. Not bad, but I think One would have fit her perfectly.