HoMM thread

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wrong , DOOM thread

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Necro or nothing

how can one demon be so based

>decided to give the creator a buck by subscribing to his patreon
>get access to his discord
>it actually has a NSFW channel with Helltaker stuff in it

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>both have a turn based campaign map
>both have city building mechanics
>both have a diverse and unique cast of factions
>both have heroes/lords leading armies
>both have magic
>only difference is that one has RTS battles
when did you realize that TWW is the modern day equivalent to HoMM?

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Nice try Vanripper

>wondered why he released it for free
>checked out his site
lad is taking furry comissions. and now with all this advertising, he got himself a gold mine

Is this the secret Helltaker thread?

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I actually like both but you have no idea what you're talking about.

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