Steam is getting ready to deploy the Cloud Streaming system, with Nvidia's Geforce Now as the first partner.
One feature is developers will be able to allocate timed demos that can be instantly played.
Steam is getting ready to deploy the Cloud Streaming system, with Nvidia's Geforce Now as the first partner
>Steam implements Stadia's headline feature before them
oh cool demos are coming back
Really not thrilled about streaming games..
But it's inevitable, so I guess I should try and be positive. Demos are back, cheaper gaming, no need for a fat tower on/under my desk, no more hardware wars and elitism on forums, and Indies might get paid more.
There's already a demo system on steam. You get 2 hours to play a game for free
You get banned from making refund claims if you do that more than a few times a year.
But some games have actual demos and free weekends occur for a lot of multiplayer games
that's pretty cool
if "cloud gaming" becomes the norm i will genuinely stop playing (new) video games. that will be the actual day i fully move to other hobbies.
and it probably will - NuGamers have eaten up everything else developers shit onto them, from day-1 DLC to pay-2-win microtransactions
In europe you dont. I refund like 1 game a week.
sucks to be a triple-A coc-gobbler huh?