Nothing good out since 2017
Nothing good in sight
Twitch ruined gaming
Dlc and game pass ruined gaming
Online subscription ruined gaming
Women ruined gaming
Gaming is dead
Wtf did someone took a slice of that cat?
>depressed incel
How cute.
Pretty much. I've played games since the late 80's and I've never seen the industry in such a bland and uninspiring state.
Will it ever become better? Even shittendo is dead now
And here I thought the switch will be the savior because of its strong first year
Aww ain't that cute? Zoomie's first depression! Awwww
I don't know. I hope so. But when you look at how utterly pozzed most dev studios are these days, and how the number of diversity/nongamer positions are growing every year, and what those fuckers do to games and franchises once they weasel their way in, it certainly doesn't inspire any confidence that things will change in the near future.
Why do I get called zommer so often when I am already 30?
Yeah I did. Cat tastes good.
Let me guess. You only play AAA garbage?