We can all agree on this, right?

We can all agree on this, right?

Attached: rosterfag tier list.png (2242x3000, 2.43M)

No because everyone on the top besides Simon is pure shit

Yes, we can all agree that you have horrible taste

Someone actually put effort into this image....
A smash thread died for this.....

>Joker/Bayonetta with a big sword

Can you stop making roster generals on Zig Forums? Thanks

A projectile spammer isn’t a good fighter user, even Reimu’s fighting games are 80% pure bullet spamming

Funny enough, I've got one of my most wanted in each tier.

Neku, Phoenix Wright, Hollow Knight, Sora and Travis/Lloyd.

>Edgy cringeanronpa bear
>Puyo puyo
>Sora the Twinky
>Red haired literal who
>Generic anime guy in S rank
>Generic indie midget
>A plane

No no no

Has there ever been a DMC or 2hu game on a nintendo console?