Unpacking takes longer than it would to download&install the full game plus any updates and DLC

>unpacking takes longer than it would to download&install the full game plus any updates and DLC
>not to mention hidden cryptominers
So what exactly is the point of these repacks? How do people justify giving free shekels to a fat guy pretending to be a woman obsessed with file compression?

Attached: amelie-poulain.jpg (800x450, 50.48K)

tell me who should I be downloading from

>unpacking takes longer than it would to download&install the full game plus any updates and DLC
you just download fitgirl repacks if you have limited bandwidth you dumb fucking nigger faggot

>not to mention hidden cryptominers

>complaining about cryptominers

The cracking groups are human beings too, they need to make a living to afford to eat. You are already committing a crime by pirating, do a good action for once to even it out, let them use your PC a little to make a few bucks. You aren't heartless, are you?

For poor people in 3rd world countries who have limited bandwidth.

Having a slow connection or a data cap, retard.

>he has an I/O bottleneck
oh no no no...

scene groups, obviously
if you download non-scene releases, frankly you deserve it


deserve what? free games that work?