I just started this game. Heard it was really good...

I just started this game. Heard it was really good, but I've never played any soulsborne games so I'm not sure what to expect. I just woke up in the creepiest place ever and ran into a monster who shredded me and sent me to a place where there are a bunch of hints on how to play lol. What am I in for?

Attached: bloodborne.jpg (768x768, 73.5K)

you're in for shitposting on the third worst board on this shithole, instead of playing, apparently.


Get axe charged R2, Easy game

I make a thread about literally every game I play since I'm old now and none of my friends play vidya anymore. It's always been kind of a social thing for me

that's fine, but why not make the thread then you've actually have something to say, instead of 5 seconds after hitting "new game"?

I understand but I like to beat the games before making threads about them

Because he’s a big fat phony

Not true

Good point really

Attached: IMG_20200525_134719.jpg (4128x3096, 2.02M)

what are the first 2? r9k and pol?