This game deserves more love.
This game deserves more love
Tripping as the most goddamn retarded mechanic ever.
But this was truly the last soulful Smash Bros.
Subspace Emissary was the tits, and the main theme was the last time they did something unique that wasn't just "yes this is a smash bros. game"
I was 15 years old when brawl came out, insanely excited since I loved melee, read the dojo evey day ect ect.
I load up the game, pick captain falcon and within 5 minutes my response is "something feels wrong about this?" niggling in the back of my mind. The only reason I didn't go back to playing melee instead is that brawl has the camera mode in the pause screen for whenever my friends and I did something silly, and plain sunk cost fallacy
Brawl is a shitty game
Although I played Brawl extensively, I still consider Melee to be more fun to play. I never owned a Wii U but I've played 4 at a friends house. Ultimate feels like playing Brawl to me with some minor improvements.
true it has fantastic palpable atmosphere and a god-tier ost.
>the main theme was the last time they did something unique that wasn't just "yes this is a smash bros. game"
it was also fucking stupid. a bing bing wahoo game about mario and sonic punching eachother doesn't need epic latin chanting. the menu music in the games before and after are way better.
You wanna talk about lacking soul? How about the menus of brawl being the exact same menus sakurai has put in every one of his games since 2003 while melee/64 had more original ones?
I was around 19 or 20 years old when it came out. Grew up with playing the original Smash. Brawl had so much fucking content it was crazy. All the new characters, Sanic, Meta Knight, etc. It was a good game.
>Brawl releases 12 years ago
>smashfags whine non-stop about Subspace. The weird OC enemies, nonsensical plot, level design, not using any enemies and locations from Nintendo games, and the fact it took resources away from VS mode and more characters
>fast forward 12 years, and now it's loved
i was 9 when it came out, very fun game
It's because the children that played Brawl as their first Smash are now adults and old enough to post here.