I am glad that I...spent my whole life...playing video games

>I am glad that I...spent my whole life...playing video games

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I'm pretty sure by the time you're put in the coffin you should be dead

I have a pretty well paying job in the space industry, have done a month long backpack across Europe, have had sex unironically, have dated, have partied etc. I would literally rather just play video games and shitpost on Zig Forums. Other things just don't do it for me like vidya and 4chin do.

>I am glad that I spent my whole life doing things I enjoyed

>pretending that you enjoy it

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They're quoting his final words at the funeral

>Play fortnite... use the epic game store... godbless tencent... all hail the peoples republic of china...

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>tfw you feel there's literally no goal in life and you're just passing the time.

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>reviewing @FortniteGame at the hospital
>intense feeling of death looming over me
>slouch down in my hospital bed and yell: "YO, THANOS FINNA DAB ON THIS NIGGA"
>everyone laughs
>St Peter opens the pearly gates and says: "you aight, white boy"
>Hear "he cute" from one of the angels